Thursday, December 31, 2009

Affirmation: My priorities are in order.

I invest my time and money on things of substance. Periodically, I do an inventory of my time to ensure that I am devoted to what is dearest to me. Instead of waiting for some free time, I make time for what I value.

My life is focused on eternal value, not short-lived pleasures. Material possessions are fleeting; therefore I focus on my relationships. I value people over possessions because people are irreplaceable.

Every day, I spend time with my Creator giving thanks for the blessings I have and seeking direction for the future. I ask for renewed strength and wisdom each morning so I can live my life the way I was meant to live.

My family comes first in my heart, above everything else. The love I have for my spouse and children is the driving force behind everything I do. My goal is to make them feel valued by the way I care for them.

Although I am thankful for my career, I realize that my career is simply a tool for me to provide for my loved ones. I work hard, but my heart always belongs to my family. Time with my loved ones is far more precious than work.

I take care of my body, mind, and soul so I can have the necessary energy to take care of my treasures. I pamper myself with relaxation activities like spas, massages, and long quiet walks in order to rejuvenate my spirit. When I indulge in activities that bring me pleasure, I am better able to serve others.

Today, I keep my priorities in order by devoting time to the people in my life. I reflect on ways to ensure that my priorities remain in order permanently.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How much time do I spend with my family compared to my job?
2. What changes do I need to make to my schedule to better reflect my priorities?
3. Do I need to invest more time for self-care?

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Affirmation: My life is worth living.

When I am tired and overwhelmed I take a break to rejuvenate my mind. I take care of myself because I am valuable and my life is worth living. I am mature enough to take each day in stride because what makes life exciting is the spontaneity of every day.

On days when I feel like giving up, I remind myself of past accomplishments to boost my morale. I think of past birthdays and celebrations where I felt loved and happy. I use visual imagery to transport myself to a favorite vacation spot in order to temporarily escape the pressures of the moment.

If I ever feel lonely or disconnected, I remind myself that I am not alone. There are loved ones a call or an email away just waiting to hear from me. My friends and family need me to be there for them to celebrate their victories and help them through their trials.

My life has more value than words could ever describe. There are people who have been touched and changed by something I have done that I will never know about. My life was given to me for a purpose and I am determined to live it out even when it would be easier to waste away.

Giving up is not an option for me. The truth that speaks of my worth to my heart is louder than any lie that tries to tell me otherwise.

Today, I am making my life count by using it to serve others because service is the antidote to selfishness.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Why must I not give up?
2. What do I think of when I feel discouraged?
3. Who can I serve today?

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Affirmation: My family is my rock.

My family inspires me to be my best. I want to be an inspiration to the loved ones around me.

My goal is to be a role model for generations yet to come. I believe that little eyes are watching and imitating everything I do. I feel a strong responsibility to leave a legacy of hard work and success for all to model.

I am passionate about my family and I devote time to them every day. Members of my family know how deeply I feel because I tell them constantly how much they mean to me.

I call and email my relatives on a regular basis. I am grateful for their love and support and my family knows that they, too, can count on me.

My family is the strong foundation upon which all other success is built. My co-workers know that, while I am devoted to my work, nothing takes the place of my family. I make sacrifices for my family because they are worth it!

The strength I receive from my loved ones can withstand any storm. Whenever the waters of adversity rise against me, I know I can count on my family to be a beacon of hope and peace. Their unconditional love is mine during times of success and hardships.

During times of trials, I recall memories of days spent with my family in order to find inner peace. A day at the park. A smile. A soft, giggly voice. Dancing in the rain. A warm hug. A sweet kiss. Those are the memories that keep me grounded.

Today, I am making new memories with my family to strengthen our unbreakable bond.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How do I show my family that I appreciate them?
2. How can I be stronger for my loved ones?
3. What are some of my fondest family memories?

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Affirmation: I have the ability to finish what I have started.

Before I embark on a task, I plan it out and make sure that I have the ability to complete it or access to people who can help me. I am confident that I have the necessary skills to be a winner.

I keep the finish line within view as a reminder of why I work so hard. Difficult days help me grow and become even more knowledgeable for tomorrow. As each day passes, I am better equipped to meet my goals.

I want to finish what I have started because I am eager to see what I can produce. Thoughts of reaching the end of my task excite me. I envision myself crossing through the goal line with my arms held high like a marathon winner.

My positive spirit and passionate drive empower me to defeat opposition. Blocking out criticism enables me to stay focused on my goal. I crush negativity under my feet so that I may stay on task and complete my responsibilities.

The courage to run all the way to the end of the road is within me. I am strong enough to resist the temptation to waste time on distractions. Distractions interrupt progress and rob me of my time; therefore I remain focused on my task and ignore disturbances.

Today, I choose to make good use of my time. Instead of saving work for later, I take the opportunity to live in the present and act now. I know what I have to do to finish and I am determined to do it.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How can I make better use of my time?
2. What are the rewards of finishing a task?
3. What can I learn from difficult days?

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Affirmation: I get up quickly when I fall. The experience makes me stronger.

I get up quickly when I fall because my strength is determined by my resolve to move forward, regardless of setbacks. When I am determined to succeed, a simple fall only fuels my drive. No matter how many times I fall, I wipe the dust off my knees and carry on.

Sometimes in my walk I may stumble, which sets me back. But a minor stumble may prevent me from falling. When I stumble I hold on to the lessons that I have learned in the past to help me stand strong once again.

Hope stays with me when I fall because, when I hit the ground, the only direction to go is up. I can look forward to tomorrow because I will enter the day with new wisdom. My vision stays close to my heart even if I have to make adjustments to my plans.

I keep my dignity when I fall because my true character is revealed at the lowest point. Even when I have made a mistake I continue to be an intelligent person worthy of admiration and respect.

Without overanalyzing my mistakes I evaluate my actions in order to learn and grow. I refrain from judging myself too harshly in order to preserve my spirit. I offer myself the same forgiveness that I give freely to others.

Today, I choose to get up quickly from any falls I may experience. I learn from my mistakes and become a stronger person, ready to face the challenges of the day.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How does a fall make me stronger?
2. When was the last time I overcame a minor stumble?
3. Why must I get up quickly when I fall?

Friday, December 25, 2009

Affirmation: I envision myself debt-free.

I envision myself debt-free, owing nothing to any man or institution. My books are in order and my accounts are balanced. I know that I can be free from debt because I am committed to my plan and I am responsible enough to make it happen.

I take pride in making sure that my family's financial future is safe. I am working toward leaving my children an inheritance of blessings, instead of financial ruin. The steps I am taking today will ensure that my family will be free from the burden of debt for generations to come.

The way I spend my money is a direct reflection of my priorities therefore I strive to invest in things of value and refrain from insignificant purchases. When I want to buy something, I wait until I have saved enough money to make the purchase instead of buying on credit and acquiring more debt.

I have the ability to pay off all of my credit cards and loans by sending extra payments whenever I have surplus in my budget. When I pay off a debt, I stay away from new debt; instead I use the extra money for my savings and wealth building.

Temporarily, I have to make difficult cut backs in my spending in order to pay off my debt. I am simplifying my life and finding joy in things of true value. I refuse to accumulate more debt because I work hard for my money and deserve to be debt-free.

Today, I choose to be wise in my spending in order to be free from financial burdens. I see myself without debt; free to invest in my dreams. Free to give to others.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What is my plan for becoming debt-free?
2. Am I willing to make the necessary sacrifices to achieve my financial goals?
3. How can I spend more wisely?

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Affirmation: I embrace change. It brings about new opportunities and fresh self-renewal.

I welcome change in my life with open arms. Change unlocks the door to new opportunities in my life so I can become a better person. When I accept change, I walk through the threshold of fresh self-renewal. Refusing to change is a recipe for becoming stale and irrelevant.

Change allows me to transform myself in order to improve my ability to reach my goals. I am free to enlarge my vision by breaking old behavior patterns and forming new habits. When I expand my view, the world feels like a bigger place where I can dream bigger dreams.

I actively seek new adventures each day by varying the activities I engage in. I jump at the opportunity to try new experiences in order to feel young and fresh.

Small changes are the first steps in living an exciting life. Taking new routes, meeting new people, and trying out new foods are some of the ways that I can introduce change into my life.

I embrace change because life is too short to be stale. How I spend my days is how I spend my life, therefore I choose to spend my days filled with joy and excitement! By constantly adapting, I keep myself active and free from boredom.

Today, I am trying something new, bearing in mind that I can learn new things and grow as an individual. I choose to loosen up and allow myself to indulge in a new form of self-expression.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How do I normally react to change?
2. How can I attract change?
3. What small changes can I begin to make in my life today?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Affirmation: I choose to let go of frustration and seek peace.

I am loosening my grasp of the things I cannot change and I accept my limitations. Choosing to let go of control brings me one step closer to feeling the effects of total peace. I focus my energy and attention on the things that can be changed in order to avoid frustration.

My heart is freed from tension when I choose to have a positive attitude about the things that may not turn out the way I want. Understanding that life is unpredictable helps me to be flexible and accept change.

I seek to be at peace within myself and with those around me by putting aside our differences and focusing on the things that make us alike. My mind is set on thoughts that are uplifting and are of value.

When I feel stress trying to creep into my life, I retreat to a place where I can regain my peace. I use soft music and calming scents to help me relax after a difficult day. Using visual imagery, I carry my mind to a place where I am surrounded by peace.

I pray in order to have inner peace. When I pray, I give up my frustrations to a higher power and melt in the arms of peace. Holding on to my frustrations steals my peace, therefore, I relinquish control of those things that bother me and fill my mind with joy.

Today, I choose to spend time in prayer, meditation and relaxation in order to enjoy the effects of peace and forget about the things that frustrate me.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Am I willing to accept that which I cannot change?
2. Where can I go to relax when I feel myself getting anxious?
3. What pleasant memory can I think about when I feel myself getting upset?

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Affirmation: I am free from the shackles of my past.

My past is only a memory of experiences, both positive and negative, which have taught me valuable life lessons. I have shaken off the shackles that once held me hostage in my past. Putting the past behind me, I can now feel free in the present.

The events that took place in my past remain part of my history. While I do not forget about my past, I am confident in my ability to correct previous mistakes and pave a new road for myself. I am wiser and more mature today than I was years ago.

Who I am today is simply a collection of the pieces of my past that fit together to form a stronger and wiser me. I rid myself of the hurt that some of the pieces caused me, but I keep the lessons I learned.

Although I have learned many lessons from my past, I move forward in order to grow and make way for new experiences. I forgive myself for my past mistakes and strive to make better choices today.

I accept that I am worthy of love and success even if I had a difficult beginning. Regardless of what is behind me, today is a fresh day and I am determined to enjoy each precious moment!

I live focused on the future and spend my time planning the next steps to live a life without regrets. I am finally free to live for myself.

Today, I am excited about the road that lies ahead. I allow myself the freedom to pursue new experiences with confidence knowing that there are boundless opportunities ahead of me.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Am I holding on to things from the past that is preventing me from moving forward?
2. How do I respond to new challenges?
3. What new opportunities excite me?

Monday, December 21, 2009

Affirmation: Fear is no match for my strong will to succeed.

When feelings of fear start to creep into my mind, I replace these thoughts with the confidence built into my toolkit. Some of these tools include prayer, meditation, affirmations, positive self-talk, an optimistic mindset, and sure-fire success strategies.

Whew! With such an arsenal, it's no wonder that fear doesn't have a chance!

When I'm determined to achieve a goal, I use my sure-fire success strategies from the very start. I take the time to make a detailed plan of every task required to reach this goal and I ensure each task is achievable.

My detailed plan prevents any fear of the unknown, since I know that, by tending to one task at a time, I can reach my goals.

Since I know my tasks are achievable, I start out with easy confidence. Fear can only raise its ugly head when I encounter challenges. If I start hearing the dreaded "what ifs," I quickly banish them from my mind with positive self-talk and affirmations, and jump right in to seeking a solution for the challenge.

Rather than give in to my fears by sitting around worrying, I forge confidently ahead and try to get back on track toward my goal.

I prevent plenty of fears with my daily routine of prayer and meditation. I envision my success in every detail and use my meditation to rejuvenate my confidence and spur me on to positive daily action.

Today, I have no worries about my fears because I have equipped myself with my confidence-boosting toolkit and my strong will to succeed.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Do I let my fears stop me from pursuing my goals?
2. What fears challenge me right now?
3. How can I get past that fear and back on track toward success?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Affirmation: As I adjust my spending habits, my financial situation improves.

My expectations for getting rid of debt and building wealth are reasonable. I know that it takes time to repair my finances and I am willing to invest that time in order to move beyond my debt.

Making sacrifices is a major part of improving my financial situation. I am willing to give up some of the things that I desire right now in order to afford a better future for my family.

When I shop, I bring a list with me in order to buy only the items that I need. I am free from the pressure to compete with others. I am grateful for what I have because my Creator has given me all that I need.

I have a plan for my financial future that involves me building sustainable wealth for my spouse and children. The passion I have for my financial goals helps me stay the course. When I am tempted to make an irresponsible purchase, I remind myself of my goals and exercise restraint.

My finances continually improve when I seek ways to cut unnecessary costs. I spend time each day reflecting on the driving force behind my purchases. I eliminate greed and competition from my heart by being grateful for what I have and giving to the less fortunate.

Today, I am improving my finances by refraining from unnecessary spending. I use my creativity to look for ways to save money knowing that the sacrifices I make today will be well worth it tomorrow.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Who can help me be accountable for my spending?
2. What do I want my financial situation to look like one year from today?
3. What is the driving force behind my purchases?

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Affirmation: When I forgive others, I am healed.

I forgive others in order to release myself from the bondage of past hurts. I choose to forgive so I can move forward with a clean soul. Forgiving helps me to release memories and hurts that hold me back.

Forgiveness can bring astonishing good out of unbelievably bad situations. Choosing to pardon an offense puts me in control of my emotions. I gain freedom by exercising the control that comes from choosing to forgive.

I forgive others so I can be free from negativity. Forgiveness helps me enjoy true peace and joy that bubbles out of my life. When I forgive others I am free from bitterness.

Even when I forgive others, I allow natural consequences to occur. Forgiveness does not excuse behaviors; it simply sets me free from hurt and anger. It is easier to forgive than to hold a grudge.

I forgive because I have the strength to forgive. I am free to let go, to show mercy, and to mend relationships through one simple, yet powerful act.

When I forgive others, I find it easier to forgive myself. I feel secure and worthy when I accept forgiveness. I am healed when I accept the imperfections of others as well as my own.

Today, I choose to put the past behind me and forgive. I enjoy a healed and whole spirit, ready to embrace the new and exciting experiences ahead of me. Past wounds and scars fade away as I release myself from old grudges and embrace forgiveness.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Who do I need to forgive?
2. How can forgiveness free my mind?
3. What are the benefits of forgiving others and myself?

Friday, December 18, 2009

Affirmation: True beauty is found within me.

True beauty goes beyond superficial appearances and into the heart. My heart is filled with an incomparable beauty that radiates through my personality. I share my beauty with others by the way I make them feel when they are around me.

My most beautiful trait is the sincere smile that enhances my face. Each day I make it a point to smile genuinely at everyone I come into contact with. An honest smile dissipates the dark clouds of pessimism like a ray of sunshine on a gloomy day.

Grace and kindness adorn my head like sparkling jewels in a crown. My inner light, reflected through my actions, shines brightly all around me. My face glows with beauty when I prefer others before myself and go out of my way to make others feel valued.

I keep my thoughts beautiful by examining them daily and making sure that negativity is absent from my mind. I replace criticism and judgment with compassion and mercy. I choose my words wisely, speaking only truth in love and refraining from resentment.

My easygoing attitude brings peace like a fresh summer breeze blowing softly through my hair. I desire to bring harmony to all situations; therefore I carry myself with dignity and respect. I have the ability to love others for who they are and I receive love in return.

Today, I choose to infuse beauty into my world through an uplifting personality. I make myself more beautiful by letting go of negativity and focusing my mind on things of virtue.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What is my most beautiful trait?
2. Do I go out of my way to make others feel valued?
3. How can I make my inner beauty more evident?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Affirmation: Relationships are my greatest treasures.

Relationships are far more important than riches. There is nothing in life more valuable than relationships. Possessions are temporary and passing, but relationships make life-changing marks on our hearts.

I choose to spend my time and money on the people I care about. When I receive an invitation to connect, I make the necessary arrangements to meet with my loved ones. Rearranging my schedule to make time for my loved ones is a sacrifice I am glad to make.

Daily, I seek to make long-lasting memories with my family. When we are together, I ignore small annoyances and focus on joy. My camera is always within arms reach so that I can capture memories to remember for generations to come. I forgive my loved ones quickly of any offenses because life is too short to waste on frivolous disputes.

Relationships are my safe haven from life's torrential rains. Good friends can turn even the toughest situation into an endurable adventure. My friends and I help each other laugh through the storms and relax during the calm because that is what we do.

It takes a lot of effort to maintain relationships; therefore I work hard to be a good friend. I have a tight grasp around those I love because life is full of distractions that can pull me apart from my friends, unless I make the conscious decision to hold on to them.

Today, I choose to make time to invest in my relationships. I stay in touch with old friends because a well-tended friendship has the ability to outlast all other things in life.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What can I do to strengthen my relationships?
2. Is there someone I have lost touch with that I should call today?
3. Do I forgive my loved ones quickly?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Afifrmation: My fears are smaller than my feats.

When faced with a new adventure, I dare to venture forward with a positive attitude. I choose to focus on my strengths in order to drown out the voice of fear. Peace follows me in every step I take. There is nothing that I will ever face that I do not already possess the strength to overcome.

When I look back at my life's story, I am encouraged by my achievements. My past accomplishments help me to look forward to the future with great excitement. I am certain that I am capable of success because I have already proven it to myself. I work with confidence because I am aware of my potential.

My mind is a garden where encouraging thoughts flourish. I ignore negative voices that try to speak to my mind and I remind myself of how strong I am. The truth I know about myself is more important than what others may think about me.

My faith helps me to be brave against uncertainty. There is a hope that lives inside of me that believes all things will work out in the end. I walk with confidence because I know that my destiny is being fulfilled.

Every day that I cover myself in determination, I am amazed by how far I can rise when I only listen to the voice of truth. As my dreams begin to take flight, I see my fears becoming smaller and smaller. The further up I go, the more miniscule my worries appear. Today, I am certain of my success because there is nothing greater than my passion.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What past accomplishment am I most proud of?
2. When was the last time I was faced with a wall but was able to make it through?
3. Am I listening to the voice of truth or the voice of negativity?

Monday, December 14, 2009

Affirmation: My spirit flourishes with excitement for newfound meaning and purpose.

Today is the beginning of the rest of my life. I am looking forward to the future with excitement because I know my purpose in life. When I seek wisdom and find meaning, I get energized about what is to come.

I look forward to the new adventures that lie ahead of me. My spirit is at peace about the future because each day I am gaining a clearer understanding of the reason for which I have been created. My life is filled with promise; therefore I give my best to all I do.

I seek wisdom and meaning in order to reignite my passion for life. When I redefine who I am based on new knowledge I gain about myself, I increase my significance and my relevance to the world.

Each time a piece of my life's purpose is revealed to me, I swell with joy, eager to live another day. I look forward to making my mark on the world one day at a time. I flourish like a beautiful flower when I am fulfilling my purpose in life.

Knowing my meaning and purpose helps me to know my worth. I have a healthy level of self-confidence when I understand my purpose. I am happy to be myself and I am free from the pressure to be somebody else. I have a calling and a plan chosen for me by my Creator.

Today, I choose to be excited about the rest of my life. I live life to the fullest and make an impact on those around me because I know that my life matters.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What is the meaning of my life?
2. What is the legacy I want to leave behind?
3. What excites me today?

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Affirmation: I live in the current moment and I am prepared to face any obstacles ahead.

I live focused on the current moment because this is the only time that I have to live it. In each moment, I seize every opportunity I have to have fun and improve myself. I indulge in a daily celebration of life without regard to things beyond my control.

My mind is set to live each moment of today to the fullest. I treasure today because I am setting myself up for a life free from regrets. When I look back at today, I feel proud of my choices and decisions.

I ignore distractions in order to be present in my life. I choose to take an active role in the direction my life is headed. I am fully living life, instead of allowing life to happen to me.

Being focused helps me to adequately prepare myself for the future. When I am organized, I conserve my energy for more important things in life. Armed with a plan, I can overcome any obstacle ahead.

I am surrounded by peace like a morning breeze on a cool autumn morning. As the seasons of life change like the color of the leaves, I rest assured that I can handle anything that comes my way. Yesterday is my teacher, today is my opportunity, and tomorrow is my destiny.

Today, I remain focused on what is before me and I embrace the future with great expectation. I let go of insecurity and allow peace to take over me.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What reasons do I have to celebrate today?
2. Am I paying enough attention to the things that matter in my life?
3. Am I setting myself up for a life free from regrets?

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Affirmation: When there is darkness, a greater light within me guides my way.

Darkness is powerless when I am around because I bring light with me wherever I go. I shine my light boldly and proudly so that others may be uplifted by it.

The light of courage within me outshines the dark clouds of fear. Fear has no place in my life. I embrace the unknown as a new adventure and let go of all concern, surrounding myself with peace.

The darkness of hate does not stand a chance against the light of love within me. I choose to love all people regardless of who they are and what they look like. My light shines brightest when I offer love and friendship even to those who hate me.

My pleasant attitude shines brighter than the negativity all around me. The darkness of disappointment dissipates when I bring my positive spirit to the table. In difficult situations, the negativity in others surrenders to the power of my light.

My passion to be a problem solver drives away the shadows cast by difficult problems. I choose to value others with utmost respect. My desire for meaningful relationships prevents me from ever entering the valley of loneliness.

My internal light charts the path for my day. Even when I feel like there is nothing left for me to give, I find a way to shine a little brighter and chase away the dark clouds in my way.

Today, I choose to shine with a positive attitude and a warm smile. With courage, love and peace, I eliminate all darkness from my life.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Why must I shine?
2. How can I shine in the face of adversity?
3. With whom can I share my light today?

Friday, December 11, 2009

Affirmation: When I am focused, I am unstoppable.

When I am focused, I am like an unstoppable machine on a mission to succeed. I charge ahead with my goals clearly in view. I do whatever needs to be done in order to complete my tasks with excellence.

I rid myself from distractions by placing myself in situations where I know I am able to stay on task. I make good use of my time by keeping track of my schedule.

In order to avoid last minute emergencies that may take my focus away from my work, I make detailed plans ahead of time. Planning ahead helps me to manage my time wisely and feel better prepared for emergencies.

When I set goals, I stick to them. I am a force to be reckoned with when my I keep my goals in sight. Ideas flow from me like water from a fountain.

When I get in my zone, I am creative and inspiring. I exceed the expectations of all those around me. I am proud of the quality of work I complete when I devote my full attention to it.

I place myself at an advantage by preparing my body, mind, and soul for success. I eat healthy foods, exercise, meditate, and read so I can concentrate effectively. I understand that, in order to be able to focus, my body has to be filled with the right fuel.

Today, the passion I have for my work keeps me focused on my goals. The quality of my work is unparalleled. I am unstoppable because I choose to focus all of my attention on the task at hand.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How can I eliminate distractions?
2. How can I set myself up for success today?
3. What keeps me focused on my goals?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Affirmation: Tranquility and inner solitude rejuvenates my soul.

I take time to myself to retreat from the noise of life and find a quiet place where I can find tranquility and inner solitude. Daily, I make it a point to turn off distractions and focus on what is going on inside my heart and mind. When I reflect upon my life, I am able to improve who I am.

Inner peace is reflected outwardly through my actions. My countenance reveals that which is hidden deep inside of me. When I am at peace within my soul, I am able to accomplish more than I ever imagined.

I live every day of my life with a tranquil spirit; free from stress. The small annoyances of daily life are incapable of stealing my peace because I focus on the bigger picture. When I take things lightly and guard myself from worry, I preserve my health. My heart and soul are healthy when I let go of the negative quickly and only hold onto the positive things.

Tranquility refreshes my soul like the streams of a fountain washing away all anxiety and fear. I am bold and confident in my future when I quiet all the other voices around me and listen to the voice that speaks of my destiny.

There comes a point where I must stop trying to make sense of everything and simply rely on faith. Inner solitude is that place which rescues me from the pit of the mundane.

Today, I choose to drown out the noise all around me and focus on the voice calling my name. I am turning away from distractions and enjoying quiet time within myself.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Am I tuning in to the right voice?
2. How can I turnoff the noise around me and find tranquility?
3. What are my actions saying about the state of my inner being?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Affirmation: Nothing can stir my interior freedom.

When fear and self-doubt approach me, I block them out of my mind with positive thoughts. Peace surrounds my mind like a safety barricade, allowing only pleasant thoughts to come in.

Like a soldier, I have fought in the battle of the mind and won peace for my soul. I have peace deep within my heart, which remains intact even in the face of trials. My mind is empowered when I choose to focus my attention on positive memories instead of giving in to fear.

I am still because I know that I have a calling, a hope, and a future that I have yet to see. I am certain that there is a plan for my life that is bigger than any obstacle I may face.

I have confidence in my abilities and in my knowledge because I have been created for a great purpose. Loving and accepting the person that I am helps me feel free to believe in myself. Accepting others just the way they are gives me the freedom to be myself.

My friends and family help me to be steadfast by believing in me and showing me their support. Nothing can stir my interior freedom because I know that I am not alone. I have a loving support group that surrounds me and keeps me safe.

Today, I choose tranquility starting within my soul and stretching out to all those around me.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What kinds of thoughts am I allowing in my mind?
2. Do I accept others as they are?
3. How can I protect my mind from negative thoughts?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Affirmation: My smile is contagious.

Before I leave home each morning, I flash an approving smile at my reflection in the mirror. That radiant smile is the last accessory I put on in order to complete my outfit. My smile adds an unspoken beauty to my look, regardless of the clothes I wear.

My face always looks brighter when I wear a smile. I love to smile because it makes me feel good inside. I choose to smile because I can start the chain reaction that will ultimately benefit me in the end.

My genuine smile causes others to smile back at me just like the reflection I see each morning in the mirror. The more I smile, the more others smile at me. The more other smile at me, the happier I feel. Smiling is a circle of positivity that cannot be broken.

Smiles cost nothing; they are my free gift to the world. Even when I feel like I have nothing left to give, I reach down and find the strength to smile at others. I get my body to communicate joy through physical expression and soon my emotions follow the lead of my actions.

I smile independently of what is going on in my life. I smile because it is a part of who I am, not just of a part of how I feel. My smile characterizes me as the pleasant person that I set out to be each day.

Today, I am determined to smile regardless of what is going on in my life. I smile selflessly because others need me to. There are hurting people out there who need to see my smile in order to be healed.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Am I taking time to look around me and find those in need of a smile?
2. How can I overcome what prevents me from smiling today?
3. Does my smile radiate sincerity?

Monday, December 7, 2009

Affirmation: My courage is bold enough to cross any river.

When life seems like a never-ending stream of work and responsibilities, I board the boat of tranquility and enjoy the ride. Even when navigating through rough waters, with courage as my sail, I am able to get across any obstacle.

Fear is absent from my journey because my bold spirit is stronger than the force of worry. Peace is the anchor that holds my life in place. I am organized and I have a plan of action, which keeps me calm when faced with a storm.

I cross the storms in front of me free from hesitation because I am secure in my ability to navigate through storms with ease. I have the necessary tools to keep my life afloat. My skills, accompanied by a strong support group, keep me above water.

The knowledge that I am not alone propels me to take even more risks. I am certain that my steps are ordered by my Creator and I will not be forsaken. My family and my friends are also there for me no matter what happens along the way.

Even when others refuse to get in the water, I dare to take risks because I believe the end result is worth it. The new adventures that I will enjoy by diving in will far outweigh the regrets I would have if I didn't take the risk.

Today, I am taking chances and stepping in the water with confidence. I sail though the storms of this day with courage and boldness, convinced that my vessel will safely reach the other side.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What anchors are present in my life?
2. Who is supporting me through my journey?
3. What chances can I take today?

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Affirmation: I repel all negativity.

I repel all negativity with a positive attitude and an open mind. My upbeat personality attracts other positive people who surround me with an impenetrable circle of joy.

Joy clings to me like a magnet in every situation that I come across. Even when I face trials, I wear a smile on my lips because nothing can steal my joy. My smile helps me to deter negativity because negativity cannot co-exist with enthusiasm.

I radiate confidence by being thankful and encouraging others. Living a life of thanksgiving helps me to remain positive, even in times of crisis. My attitude is consistently pleasant even if the world around me is unpredictable and pessimistic.

Before I even attempt something new, I believe that I am a winner in my own mind. My mind is filled with positive thoughts, which collide with any destructive thoughts that may try to sneak in.

I lend an ear only to things of value. When people walk up to me and begin to speak, they can sense that I am an optimistic and peaceful person. I repel gossip by ignoring it and refusing to take part in it.

I truly believe that there is good in everyone, and I treat people that way. People respect me because I stay away from negative conversations. My friends know that they can come to me for an uplifting word when they feel discouraged.

Today, I am thinking constructive thoughts. I walk with confidence because I believe that all things will work out in the end.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How can I attract positive people?
2. What types of conversations do I lend an ear to?
3. How do I greet people?

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Affirmation: I fill my mind with powerful thoughts.

My mind is the design center of my reality. When I fill my mind with powerful thoughts, I keep myself from shallow and worthless opinions. The blueprint for my character is marked by compelling depth because I allow powerful thoughts in my mind.

My mind preserves knowledge and retains wisdom so I can shape my actions according to the understanding that I possess. My actions and words are the unequivocal evidence of what I harbor inside my mind.

I remove negative thoughts from my mental archives in order to fill my mind with positivity. When my mind is filled with substance, I am able to expel weakness from my thought life. My thoughts promote prosperity in every area of my life.

I enjoy reading the works of wise men and women in order to glean knowledge from them. Whenever I read or hear an inspiring quote, I write it down so I may recall it at a later time.

My mind is so full of powerful thoughts that, whenever I am faced with a difficult situation, I can affirm myself with the knowledge that I hold. I can trust myself as my own counselor in times of trouble because I am filled with hope.

Today, I am giving superior value to the power of my thoughts. I am filling my mind with powerful thoughts by stirring up memories of lessons learned and attracting new knowledge. My private thoughts are becoming the visible reality of my life.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What does the blueprint of my future look like?
2. What are my sources of powerful insight?
3. How can I fill my mind with powerful thoughts today?

Friday, December 4, 2009

Affirmation: I allow others to love me.

I exude confidence because I am proud to be the person that I am. That confidence helps me accept the love that others offer. I know that others can genuinely love me because I am worthy of love.

My friends and family love me just the way I was created. I receive their friendship with arms wide open and I hold onto them tightly.

Those closest to me know that I welcome their affection because I make them feel comfortable when they are near. I embrace those I love with warmth and fondness each time I greet them.

I open myself to others because friendships are my life's greatest treasures. My friends and family know their love is appreciated by the way I receive them. I welcome their love with freedom and trust.

I know that I am forgiven and accepted just the way I am. I remove expectations from my mind when meeting new people and I allow others to be themselves around me. I give love therefore I receive love. When others smile at me, I smile back as a way to communicate to them that I welcome friendship and love.

Today, I choose to receive the love that others share with me with open arms. I attract people with my positive attitude and receive their love with sincerity.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How can I attract the love of others?
2. Do my friends and family feel comfortable around me?
3. What can I do to remove expectations about people?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Affirmation: Faith fuels my ambitions.

Although I can only see what is right in front of me, I am not merely limited by the physical realm. Faith reminds me that there is much more to life than what my eyes can see. Faith unlocks my vision, removing fear and eliminating the limits to my sight.

My words have the ability to cause things to happen in my life. When I believe something with all my heart, settle it in my mind, and speak it with my lips, it comes to pass. I speak success into existence. When I look through the eyes of faith, I dare to venture in to the unknown with confidence.

Even when my mind is unsure or fails to understand, I follow my heart because, when I allow faith to lead the way, my dreams become a tangible reality. I reject doubt in order to give faith free reign over my mind. My insecurities dissolve in the hand of faith.

When things seem grim, I feel calm in my spirit because faith helps me believe that there are better days ahead. Faith is the reason I have hope for the future. Faith allows me to be certain of things to come, even if they seem impossible.

Today, I look past what my eyes can see and focus on the vision that is in my heart. I stir myself up to press on toward my dreams regardless of the circumstances around me. My faith is the difference between simply hoping for something and being certain that all will be well.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What is the depth of my faith?
2. What do I see in store for myself when I look through the eyes of faith?
3. Do I believe that all will be well?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Affirmation: I am a source of truth and honesty.

I make it a point to be honest with myself and in my dealings with others. It's also a selling point, too, because others know that they can count on me for truth. My honesty earns me one of the most valuable things of all - the trust of my friends, loved ones, and associates.

I believe the quote from Sir Walter Scott, "Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive," is so true. Things get so complicated whenever we lie and it only makes matters worse when the lie is uncovered. Why would I want to be involved in negative situations like that?

In being truthful, I stay in a positive zone with more positive outcomes.

When I make a mistake, I admit it, I do what I can to make amends, and then move on. Making mistakes is inevitable. I know that everyone, including me, makes mistakes. People respect me more because I honestly admit my mistakes and then do my best to resolve the issue in the most positive way.

My honesty in my personal relationships brings me closer to my loved ones. I speak the truth about my feelings even if the situation is a difficult one. Because I am honest, I am able to work through relationship challenges and discover viable solutions that make everyone happy.

Business associates know they can trust me to bring honesty into the workplace. As a result, I form long-standing business relationships with my clients and co-workers.

Today, I strive to be perfectly honest in all encounters with others, knowing that it can only strengthen our relationship.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Do I believe honesty is the best policy?
2. How can being truthful about something resolve a current issue I'm having?
3. How can I strengthen my relationship with my partner by being more honest?

Affirmation: When I pray I feel an interior freedom.

When I pray, I relinquish control of my life to my Creator. I surrender my will and desires because I know that my plans for my life are miniscule compared to the plans my Creator has set out for me.

Prayer provides me with comforting guidance during times of uncertainty like a lighthouse directs a ship on a dark night. I reach for prayer like a lifeline when I am bound up in life's difficult decisions.

When I pray, I release my mind from worries and concerns. I feel an interior freedom because I have communicated all of my anxieties to someone who can truly help me change.

I feel interior peace and freedom when I stop trying to figure life out on my own and seek the help of my Creator. Knowing that there is a power stronger than me that is in control of my future puts me at ease.

Prayer is part of every day of my life - good days and bad. I even pray about things that seem small or insignificant in order to prevent them from becoming big stumbling blocks in my walk.

Prayer makes me feel free to pursue a higher calling with passion and resolve. I believe that my prayers are heard and will be answered in divine time. Prayer gives me the confidence I need to trust in my Creator's masterful plan.

Today, I am free be the best me I can be because I have deposited all my shortcomings in the arms of prayer and I know that my weaknesses are simply opportunities for prayer to reveal its power.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How do I feel when I pray?
2. Is there something in particular that I need to pray about today?
3. What causes me to worry?

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Affirmation: Wealth is abundant in my life.

I am rich in every area of my life. My relationships and my career are overflowing with accomplishments. I am wealthy because I have a surplus of things that bring me joy.

The reserves of my soul are filled to capacity with the things I value. I enjoy an overabundance of love, acceptance, forgiveness, health, and security in my life. I measure my wealth by counting my many blessings.

There is no shortage of blessings in my life because I work hard to position myself on the way to victory. When I purposefully pursue spiritual wealth, material prosperity follows me like a shadow wherever I go.

My friends and family enrich my life with their love. Feeling loved and accepted by my family makes me rich. I value the people in my life because I count relationships as one of life's greatest treasures.

I am wealthy in my business and career because I am meticulous in my plans. I seek the council of the wise and I plan ahead carefully. When I take risks in the business world, they pay off in financial gains.

I am confident that the decisions that I make today are driving me forward toward even more wealth and success. Wisdom guides me to make choices that bring me closer to triumph. I obtain wealth by acquiring knowledge.

Today, I am thankful for the wealth that I possess and I look ahead to gaining even more wealth through wisdom, relationships and business. I envision myself wealthy in every area of my life and work toward that reality.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What is most precious to me?
2. How can I increase my wealth?
3. What can I do today to position myself toward wealth?

Monday, November 30, 2009

Affirmation: My wisdom grows each day.

Every day I learn something new from a diverse array of sources. My wisdom grows when I open myself up to the lessons all around me. The world is my classroom and each person I come into contact with has the potential to be my teacher.

When I remove pride and prejudice from my mind, I allow myself to learn freely from the youngest infant to the most seasoned adult. I give myself the gift of understanding when I accept the knowledge that can be found in the most unusual places.

I grow in wisdom and understanding when I humble myself with the thought that I cannot possibly know everything. Accepting this fact lightens my load and helps me to actively seek more knowledge. I am a life long learner and a student of life.

My life's lessons have made me well prepared for what I may encounter in the future. I make wiser decisions each day based on the knowledge that I have attained through experience.

I choose to live my life with my head held high, no matter what mistakes I've made. The mistakes of my past are in my past and I have learned from them.

Today, I allow myself to learn from the most unexpected teachers in order to grow in wisdom and understanding. I choose to treasure the lessons of today to make better choices tomorrow and to freely share my knowledge with future generations.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What can I learn today?
2. Who can I learn from today?
3. What have I learned from the mistakes in my past?

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Affirmation: My life is precious and meaningful.

I love my life! I love everything about my life because I choose to look through optimistic eyes. I find ways to infuse joy to those around me in every situation. Even when life seems to be monotonous, I uncover ways to break out of old ruts and create new paths.

Every day, I look for fresh ways to enjoy life. I seek adventure like a pirate seeks treasure. I make the best of each day. I seize every opportunity to create adventure for myself, because I know that I only have one life to live.

My life counts. My life is significant. I have been created with passion and purpose; therefore I live passionately and purposefully. There are dreams that I can hardly wait to see fulfilled. I greet each day with excitement and expectation knowing that great things will come out of my life.

There are people who count on me. My friends and family make life worth living. Sharing life with others makes the journey more gratifying. Love, laughter, and the simple things I share with my loved ones are what make life great.

No one else could ever fill my place. I am a unique individual with talents and gifts that are important to the world. Out of more than 6 billion people who live in this world, there is only one me. There is only one person with my DNA and fingerprint. I can make a difference in the world.

Today, I choose to live as one who understands my value in this world.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What do I live for?
2. What makes me unique?
3. How can I make life more adventurous?

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Affirmation: I welcome change in my life with an open heart and mind.

Change keeps my life fresh and exciting. My life is enhanced by change. When the monotony of my daily routine causes life to seem dull, change spices things up. My heart and mind are open to change because I understand the benefits that breaking out of the routine brings.

I choose to embrace change like a newborn baby exploring the world for the first time. I allow myself time to adjust to new life experiences. I remove fear and personal opinion while I allow change to take place. My attitude toward change is positive. Not only do I accept change, I seek it.

I listen before I speak in order to give myself time to evaluate situations prior to drawing conclusions. I embrace the differences in others and accept their ideas. I am confident enough in who I am to accept others' suggestions.

Changes in my life are simply new paths to reach my destiny. I trust that I am still on track to reach my final destination despite detours from my plans. New experiences keep life unique and interesting. I am open-minded while remaining true to my values and beliefs.

I look forward to change because I enjoy adventure. I understand that, in order to achieve different results, changes have to be made to the way I live my life. I embrace change as a vital part of my journey. My mind continues to be at peace in the midst of change because true change begins in my heart. Today, I choose to seek and embrace the gift of change in my life.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How can I be more comfortable with change?
2. Are there things in my life that require my attention right now?
3. What is stopping me from embracing change?

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Friday, November 27, 2009

Affirmation: I pursue my dreams with passion.

My dreams are important to me because they are my assignments in life. Believing in the power of my dreams is what allows me to see my dreams come to fruition. Every day, I do everything within my power to pursue my dreams. I exercise my spiritual muscles in order to run the race with strength and endurance.

I believe the only way to achieve success is to live with intense passion. If anything is worth doing, it is worth giving my all to. My heart is tied to every task that I set out to do and I am certain about my goals and the direction in which my life is headed.

I allow myself plenty of time for mental and physical rest in order to perform at my best. Discipline and diligence are my nourishment. Every decision that I carefully make brings me one step closer to my dreams. My steps are purposefully ordered. I am in charge of my future and leave nothing up to chance.

I am diligent about reaching my goals. I carefully plan every move I make to ensure that it is a beneficial use of my time. My plans reflect my life's priorities and my time and money are spent on that which I value most. My integrity places me at an advantage over my opposition.

I keep my goals squarely in sight so I can remain focused. I am fierce about reaching my dreams and I am confident in my ability to do so.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What is my motivation?
2. Am I being proactive in my decision-making?
3. What can I do to pursue my dreams more diligently?

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Affirmation: I can overcome any challenge on my journey to victory.

On my journey to victory, I can overcome any challenge that is set before me like a mountain standing in my way. Armed with courage I push myself to climb as far as it takes to get to the other side. I press on because victory awaits me at the top, but only if I persevere.

Determination is what makes me an invincible force throughout the journey. Regardless of what I see around me, above me, or even below me, I am determined to finish what I have started because it is my promise to myself.

I put on the gloves of persistence in order to firmly grip the side of the mountain so I can stay the course. One step at a time, I press on in my walk no matter what tries to get in my way. Even when inclement weather slows my pace, I continue to press on. Life is not about how fast I travel, but about enjoying the journey to my destiny.

I am strong and courageous enough to confront challenges head on. My passion drives me forward in spite of challenges. I am confident that my abilities are greater than whatever trials I my face. I know that I can overcome challenges with grace and poise when I walk with self-assurance.

Today, I choose not to simply face challenges, but to embrace them as opportunities to soar. I am climbing higher than ever before, certain that I will reach the top where I will give a shout of victory.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What is the force that drives me?
2. How can challenges make me stronger?
3. Why must I push myself to persevere?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Affirmation: Hope is my daily melody.

Every day I wake up with renewed strength and a resolve to make today a great day. I arm myself with positivity and take along a winning attitude. As I step out into the world, I begin to hear the beautiful melody of hope that follows me wherever I go.

Even when others choose to play the soundtrack of despair, I dance to the tune of hope. My ears are trained to listen only to the sound of hope and to ignore all other noise. I refrain from listening to negative news that will only try to rob me of my ability to hear the beat.

With so much negativity around me, I must actively seek the good in the world in order to remain hopeful. When I focus on the good characteristics of others, I am able to have hope.

My life is a song filled with assurance. Although there are no guarantees in life, I am confident that the life choices that I am making today are taking me in the right direction. In the end, I know that I will succeed.

I sing my song to the world so others can be uplifted during their time of sorrow. With each note I sing, hearts are mended and faith is restored to those around me. When I believe I myself, I inadvertently give others permission to do the same.

Today, I choose to be hopeful in the midst of despair because I am sure that the days ahead of me are brighter than those behind me. With hope as my melody, I dance forth into my future with grace.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What is the soundtrack of my life?
2. How would my life be affected if I refrain from listening to negative news?
3. What am I hopeful about today?

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

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Only informative, quality articles will be published so don't bother spamming.

If you're interested simply submit your article for seo backlinks by clicking here.

Happy publishing!

Affirmation: Each day I learn something new I grow wiser.

Education is the foundation for improvement; therefore, I seek to educate myself daily. I am open to the lessons of life because there is no better teacher than experience. I position myself in places where I have the opportunity to experience new things in order to develop my mind.

I delight in learning so I can become wiser and teach others. Gaining new knowledge is a pleasure for me. As I pursue knowledge, wisdom finds me. Wisdom is more valuable than material riches.

My capacity for understanding is greater than I can imagine. I am able to understand concepts today that were not clear in the past because my mind is expanding. Each day, I absorb new information like a sponge. I read books to gain knowledge in topics that are unfamiliar to me.

I allow myself to learn from others because there is something to be learned from every human being. I listen when others speak to me in order to learn from their experiences.

My daily schedule has time open for me to deviate from the routine and pursue areas of interest that may come up spontaneously.

When the pace of my life is calm and peaceful, I am able to notice the little lessons around me. I facilitate a learning environment for myself by being open to the ideas and opinions of others and valuing them as I do my own. Today, I set out to learn something new from those around me.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How can I open myself up to accepting new knowledge?
2. When I am interested in a topic, do I allow myself time to research it?
3. What have I learned today?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Affirmation: I transform my actions by transforming my mind.

I have authority over my thoughts. I carefully choose which thoughts can stay and which must leave my mind. Constantly, I filter my mind because my thoughts soon become my actions.

I seek the positive qualities in other people because I believe good can be found in everyone. When I meet someone new, I am able to find common interests and I confidently speak to others free from fear.

When I remove fear from my mind, I am free to take risks. Freedom of the mind allows me to experience life in a new dimension. When fear tries to paralyze me, I pause. This allows me to feel the calming effects of inner peace. Thoughts of past successes flow through my mind like a river, which reminds me of the potential stored within me.

If I find myself indulging in self-pity, I immediately reject those thoughts and launch into action. Counting my blessings is the best way to focus on what is good in my life.

Instead of complaining about the tasks I must complete, I choose to be thankful for my ability to complete them. When I change my point of view and look at my responsibilities as blessings, I enjoy myself.

Today, I chose to think positively in order to act productively. I understand that my thoughts have the power to help move me forward. In everything I do, I seek to think positively because a healthy mind leads to a satisfying life.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How can I change my point of view?
2. What situation in my life can I see a blessing instead of a chore?
3. Do I seek the good in others?

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Affirmation: I live in the current moment and I am prepared to face any obstacles ahead.

I live focused on the current moment because this is the only time that I have to live it. In each moment, I seize every opportunity I have to have fun and improve myself. I indulge in a daily celebration of life without regard to things beyond my control.

My mind is set to live each moment of today to the fullest. I treasure today because I am setting myself up for a life free from regrets. When I look back at today, I feel proud of my choices and decisions.

I ignore distractions in order to be present in my life. I choose to take an active role in the direction my life is headed. I am fully living life, instead of allowing life to happen to me.

Being focused helps me to adequately prepare myself for the future. When I am organized, I conserve my energy for more important things in life. Armed with a plan, I can overcome any obstacle ahead.

I am surrounded by peace like a morning breeze on a cool autumn morning. As the seasons of life change like the color of the leaves, I rest assured that I can handle anything that comes my way. Yesterday is my teacher, today is my opportunity, and tomorrow is my destiny.

Today, I remain focused on what is before me and I embrace the future with great expectation. I let go of insecurity and allow peace to take over me.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What reasons do I have to celebrate today?
2. Am I paying enough attention to the things that matter in my life?
3. Am I setting myself up for a life free from regrets?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Affirmation: The world around me is my canvas.

The world around me is a blank canvas on which I paint with the colors of my attitude and character. As the artist of my own world, I choose to create hope with each brush stroke. Every decision I make leaves a mark on my portrait that will adorn or tarnish it.

When I act kindly toward others, my picture is enhanced with grace. I know what I want out of my life; therefore I make a conscious effort to transmit those dreams onto my canvas. When I look at my canvas, I have the power to see things from a positive perspective.

I appreciate the unique beauty in those around me. Each one of my loved ones contributes a different element of style to my work of art. Like the colors of the rainbow, the people in my life make the picture come alive with vibrant splendor.

I have the ability to create my own environment by what I contribute to the world and receive from others. But first, I have to express happiness and joy to others if I want those feelings to be reflected back to me. The message I send out to the world will come back to me like an echo.

Today is a fresh canvas upon which I choose to paint something beautiful. With each stroke I make today, I am creating a masterpiece out my life. I am making an everlasting mark on this world by displaying a positive attitude and genuinely loving others.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How can I enhance the picture of my world?
2. What am I going to paint today?
3. What do I contribute to the world?

Affirmation: I am attractive, just the way I am.

When I look in the mirror I am pleased with the person that looks back at me. Beauty radiates from my smile. When getting dressed, the first thing I put on every day is my smile because it is the accent accessory that completes any outfit.

I take care of my body in order to present myself attractive in every situation. I present myself with class out of love and respect for myself.

I spend time and effort on the clothes that I buy and wear. My clothes are always clean and ironed before I go out. I express myself through my clothing and I am proud of how I look. When I feel good about how I look, I glow with confidence.

My body is healthy and beautiful just the way it is. I am content with my facial features because they make me unique. I remove comparison from my mind because comparison breeds condemnation.

I refuse to be consumed with thoughts about my appearance because there is much more depth to my character than that. I give most of my attention to things beyond the flesh.

Daily, there are people who find me attractive and compliment me on my appearance. I believe others when they tell me that I am beautiful. I accept compliments easily because I believe I deserve them.

Today, I am focused on the beauty that comes from within me. I measure my beauty by who I am, inside and out.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What is my favorite physical feature?
2. What is my most beautiful personality trait?
3. How do I feel when I look presentable?

Friday, November 20, 2009

Affirmation: Fear is no match for my strong spirit and will.

My will and my spirit are stronger than any dart of fear aimed in my direction. When disappointment strikes, I remain confident in myself because I am certain that great success is within my reach.

Though fear may relentlessly try to come against me, my strong will helps me reject fear over and over again. I carry on in my journey with a positive attitude because my spirit is too strong to be broken. I dance through the streets of my destiny to the melody of joy, thanks to the invincible spirit within me.

I can accomplish anything I set my mind to when I am determined. I have written down my goals and my vision in order to stay on track. Nothing can stand in my way when I have a plan and an unyielding will.

Having a vision is like a telescope that magnifies my opportunities and places the barriers in perspective. When I look at the bigger picture, I realize that the obstacles I may face are nothing in comparison to the wisdom I will gain.

My spirit is fearless in the midst of new endeavors. Armed with courage, I am capable of charting new experiences for myself. My strong will and audacious spirit propel me to action even when I hesitate.

Today, I am fearless in the face of the unknown. I choose to replace discouragement with renewed strength and a desire to work harder in order to achieve more than I ever imagined.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. When was the last time I was able to overcome fear?
2. What is my motivation?
3. How can I prevent discouragement?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Affirmation: As I move forward, I grow wiser.

I move forward because standing still is the only guaranteed way to fail. Moving forward, whether I walk through victories or defeats, is the only way I will learn and grow.

Every step I take brings me one step closer to my goals. While on the journey to my dreams, I gather wisdom from my experiences, which helps me make better decisions in the future. In doing so, I am setting myself up for a life with no regrets.

I am eager to learn new lessons around me every day. I am mature enough to learn from the situations of others even before I face those situations myself. When I experience a shortcoming, I remind myself that mistakes are simply lessons in disguise.

When I experience a personal victory, I take note of successful strategies that I can use in the future. If I ever encounter failure, I reflect on my actions in order to perform better the next time.

I open myself up to new challenges with confidence allowing life to be my classroom. Each day I embrace life with the expectation that I will receive knowledge from the most unexpected places.

I dare to venture into every day, even when I am surrounded by uncertainty, because being a risk taker pays off with new knowledge that I never would have acquired otherwise.

Today, I choose to walk forth into my destiny with wisdom and direction. I embrace the opportunity to learn from the many sources of knowledge that engulf me. My knowledge increases as I fearlessly accept the lessons I am being taught by life itself.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What lessons has life taught me recently?
2. What unexpected knowledge can I find today?
3. How can I share my wisdom with others?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Inspirational Quotes and Affirmations

Arriving at one point is the starting point to another. - John Dewey

Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. - Henry Ford

One of the advantages of being disorderly is that you are constantly making exciting discoveries. - A A Milne

People who fight fire with fire usually end up with ashes. - VanBuren

If you only have a hammer you tend to see each problem as a nail. - Abraham Harold Maslow

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing. - Abraham Lincoln

Life is like a staircase. You have to go up each stair to reach the top. - Unknown

It is easy when we are in prosperity to give advice to the afflicted. - Aeschylus

Man cannot discover new oceans unless he as the courage to lose sight of the shore. - Andre Gilde

No act of kindness no matter how small is ever wasted. - Aesop

The secret of happiness is to make others believe they are the cause of it. - Al Batt

It's so hard when I have to and so easy when I want to. - Annie Gottlier

Be a man of value not necessarily of success. - Albert Einstein

It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education. Albert Einstein

There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self. - Aldous Huxley

I am a problem solver.

I can create a clear set of directions for my goals.

I accept people as they are.

My expectations always come with its own eraser, so I can always make changes at will.

I avoid focussing on the trees so I dont' lose sight of the lush, beautiful forest before me.

See these and other inspirational quotes and affirmations on free downloadable wallpaper.

SEO Backlinks

What's the difference between backlinks and SEO backlinks?

Click here to find out. Oh, and by the way that link is NOT an SEO backlink. You need to use a much better link text than "click here" for true SEO benefits.

One you've read about SEO backlinks and would like to create some, why not make a contribution to my website and create an SEO backlink in the About the Author section? Not only can you contribute an article but you could write a review, create an entry in my online gratitude journal, share an inspirational story, or ask/answer personal development related questions.

Submit your articles by clicking here. If you'd prefer to write in the gratitude journal etc. you'll find links on the menu.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

You Can't Afford These Blogging Mistakes

When first creating an online empire it's easy to focus on the wrong things.

And guess what? Ironically, focussing on making money is the WRONG thing to do. Your focus should be on providing useful content. After a while the money will follow.

As you may be aware I create blogs that are focussed on particular hot selling internet products. I would not suggest this approach as a way to become wealthy either. I do it purely as an extra service to my readers so they get a glimpse of what is inside these products. They may even decide to promote the products themselves.

When blogging it is important to be clear on what you're trying to achieve.

Read this latest post by Kenneth Koh to see what I'm talking about.

Have a great day.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

How To Advertise an Online Store

Making money with an online store is not easy. You are competing with others who have exactly the same store. The only only people making money from your online store are the people who sold you the store.

Having said that I have a couple of online stores.

One I expect I'll do quite well with because I intend to customize the heck out of it and make it purely my own. I've already done a lot of work on it and intend to do more. You can see what I've done so far by clicking here. As you can see there's a lot of rubbish in there that I can't imagine anyone would download even though it's free! On the other hand I am adding my own ebooks that can't easily be gotten anywhere else. They will be my point of difference.

I also have another store which has all the clickbank products. Click here to have a look. Even though I love many of the clickbank products and the fact they all offer a 60 day money back guarantee I seriously doubt that anyone is going to browse the store looking for something to buy. I bought it for it's contextual advertising that looks like google ads, but for which I'll earn a commission if the product is purchased.

Unfortunately, people have paid money for a similar store expecting to make a lot of money but I think they will end up very disappointed.

Click here for some great advice on how to get some exposure for your online store.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Top 18 Reasons Digital Photography Makes a Great Home Career

It's been a while since I've posted to this blog because I've been busy with renovations etc. I thought this may be an interesting article to begin posting with given it's an easy way for people to make additional income.

With jobs becoming increasingly hard to find and difficult to keep, many are looking for ways to earn money from home. Digital photography is an excellent way to work for yourself and make extra - or even a full-time - income at home.

If you're interested, download this free report called "Make Money with Digital Photography."

If you're still undecided, this might change your mind. Here are 18 reasons why digital photography makes a great home career:

1. Minimum equipment required

To make money with digital photography, all you need are: a digital camera, a computer, and Internet access. In fact, you may already have all three.

2. No need for special training

Anybody who can take decent pictures can make money by selling digital photos. You don't have to have formal training, or so many years of experience. You can be young or old, male or female.

3. Low start-up costs

Aside from the equipment required, you don't need to make any other investments. This means you can get started immediately.

4. No need to leave home

If you like, you can do sell digital photographs completely from home. Yes, that includes taking photographs.

5. Money in your hard drive

You may already have pictures in your computer that you can sell right away. In fact, you should begin with those.

6. Make money when traveling

If you like to travel, you can make your trip pay for itself by taking pictures on your trip and selling them online.

7. Location independent business

You can have sell your digital photographs from anywhere, as long as you have your equipment (see number 1). This means you could be a nomad and still make a living.

8. Flexible hours

Work when you want, as much as you want. Do it full time or part time. It's up to you!

9. No need to build websites

Although you'll be selling digital photographs online, you absolutely don't have to build a website - unlike other online marketers.

10. Stock photo sites do the marketing for you

You don't have to do any marketing, either, because stock photo sites do it all for you. All you have to do is take high-quality photographs. (More on that in "Make Money with Digital Photography."

11. No fees to sell online

You don't have to pay any fees to sell in stock photo sites. It's completely free to become a member and start selling your photos.

12. No need to set up a shopping cart

Again, stock photo sites take care of processing payments for your photographs. You will have to be able to accept payments from stock photo sites. A PayPal account should be enough.

13. Enhanced creativity

This business forces you to become more creative, such as in the way you choose the subjects of your pictures, to how you edit them.

14. Sharper photography skills

You have to improve your photography skills if you want to succeed in this business. The longer you keep at it, the better you'll become.

15. Build your portfolio and expertise

Selling digital photos online helps build your reputation as a photographer. You can easily build a portfolio based on your best-selling pictures.

16. Profit from passion

You can easily combine this home business with a hobby or special interest you have. Because of the wide range of subjects that are in high demand, you don't have to take pictures that you don't care about.

17. Steady demand

As more and more stock photos are sold and bought, the demand for fresh photos increases. Marketers always want unique pictures for their materials, which further increases the demand for more digital photos.

18. It's profitable

Because of low overhead costs, it's easy to earn a full-time income from selling digital photography. University students are doing it, stay at home Moms are doing it, and you can do it too.

However, you have to know some insider secrets. Which types of photographs sell easily online? How do you avoid legal problems? How do you work with stock photo sites? How can you sell more photos?

You'll find the answers in "Make Money with Digital Photography." It's completely free, so go and grab it now.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

What I Learned From Secret Affiliate Weapon 2

For under $10 Secret Affiliate Weapon 2 is a must have for anyone who wants to succeed at affiliate marketing but is not successful yet. There is a 100% money back guarantee if you're not satisfied.

- affirmations work! (not that I didn't already know this. LOL. If you know me you know I love affirmations)

- how you should be promoting your affiliate links. Linking directly to the sales page is NOT the way to do it.

- wear the colour red for the next 30 days.

- there are opportunities to make money in network marketing online and how to go about it.

- "How can I make money?" is the wrong question to ask yourself if you want to be successful.

- one of the easiest ways to make money is to help other people make money.

Secret Affiliate Weapon is awesome! Click here to read all about it. If you actually purchase it you'll find out what I've done here to promote Secret Affiliate Weapon that is wrong! (only because I haven't got the time right now....)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Can Self Help Be Dangerous?

Apparently so according to a segment on Sunrise this morning. However the self help they were referring to were 2-3 day seminars where participants were sleep deprived and forced to reveal deeply personal experiences in front of a huge audience.

I don't see that you need to be psychological expert (which I'm not) to see that this type of "self help" could be dangerous. After all sleep deprivation has been used as a form of torture long before it became a tool used by self help gurus.

Many years ago I particpated in one of these seminars called The Forum. I don't recall much about it, but I do remember being hassled by "volunteers" to become a volunteer myself. Apparently The Forum was the only true path to self fulfillment and enlightenment... And it could be all yours if you worked ridiculously long hours for zero recompense. Not that there's anything wrong with volunteering your time but I think you're better off volunteering your time to help people who, for whatever reason, can't help themselves. The Forum leaders definitely were not in that category!

One thing I do remember learning is that we shouldn't let fear stop us doing what we want to do. I wanted to go parachuting but was too scared.... So I went parachuting. Now that I'm much older and wiser (well defintely older) I'm starting to think I may have misinterpreted the real significance of moving beyond fear....

So, was this self help seminar a waste of time for me? I don't think so. At least it got me to go parachuting!

Hmmm, self help can indeed be dangerous!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Overhaul of Weight Loss Industry In Australia

I heard on the news this morning that weight loss programs will have to give details of how successful participants are in keeping off the weight two years after their initial participation.

Sounds good to me! Afterall, judging by all the testimonials you read on weight loss websites there are a lot of programs that work well in the short term.

However, long term success eludes many of us. Kilos that we worked so hard to lose simply creep back on and before we know it we are in a battle that we have very little chance of winning.

To add insult to injury this battle of continually losing and putting on weight is more dangerous to our health than being overweight in the first place. (so I remember reading somewhere)

For any chance of success in maintaining weight loss, weight loss programs must include working on your mind as well as your body!

Click here to join my new free membership Web Weight Warriors!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Nomophobia? Just stress and anxiety in my humble opinion.

Who has ever heard of nomophobia (the fear of being deprived of a mobile phone ie no mobile phone phobia)? I hadn't until I was listening to the radio while picking the kids up from school last night

And I must say I'm not surprised that such a phobia exists. Most of us are used to being able to contact our loved ones 24/7 no matter where they are or what they are doing.

If they fail to answer our call it's easy to get ourselves worked up into a frenzy of stress and anxiety wondering if an ambo will have the decency to search their contact lists for "mum" while resucsitating our precious offspring at the site of the worst accident in living memory.

Then total relief... They phone - they are OK (which is good because now you can kill them yourself). They didn't answer because they knew it was you and couldn't be bothered talking.

Oh, but they'll talk now. They've spent their bus money and need you to pick them up..... But not before you start explaining (loudly), in gruesome detail, the nightmare they put you through. Don't they understand how much you love them for heavens sake?

You begin to weigh up the pros and cons of grounding them. You decide against it as it's usually more of a punishment for you than them! Unfortunately, the scene is set for similar altercations in the future.

Whatever happened to the days when kids just went off for the day and came home only when they were hungry or it got dark? But don't let me start on that just yet! That's another issue.

The point is that mobile phones are another convenient way for stress and anxiety to manifest themselves. And they will manifest in some way or another unless you learn to tame them.

Click here for articles on dealing with stress.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Woe is Me

When times are tough, as with the current economic recession, it is always easy to give in to depression and constantly moan about the woes of life. There are just too many worries to constantly think about: bills to pay, family to care for, and so on. The problems never end. The fact is, they never do! As you make your journey through life, you will always encounter barriers and hurdles. These are trials meant to test your strength and improve your will. Rather than simply give up and cry your frustrations out, you may want to look around you and see that no one is exempt from problems.

Self pity may get you sympathy at first, but if this is a repetitive behavior, don’t be surprised if you lose friends along the way. When you’ve become the black hole for energy, people will avoid you like a plague. No one wants to be surrounded with sadness, and no one can take a whiner for too long a period. You have yet to meet the person who never struggles with frustration. This comes with the territory of being human. It is not wrong to be frustrated, but it is how we handle our frustration that counts.

One of the most effective ways to change how you react to negativity is to change how you see it and what you do about it. Self pity is a shortcut to the path of destruction. When you give in to depression, you are basically saying that you don’t have it in you to solve the problem. In fact, you are just aggravating the situation. You yell, curse, and cry, yet the problem still remains unsolved.

On the other hand, a more productive solution would be to view frustration is as a chance for improving your abilities to solve the problem. If you get frustrated, try to have an outlet. Go talk to a friend, visit a specialist, or pound that hammer away in your garage. You need to let it out and find a way to express your explosive emotions rather than keep it locked inside. If this is your constant practice, expect the dam to break sooner or later. Instead, ask yourself what the possible solutions are. The thing about self-pity is that if you can't get others to feel sorry for you, you can always just feel sorry for yourself.

Pity parties are always a party of one because no one wants to be on the guest list. Just know that when you catch yourself in this state, you tend to lose perspective. You lose sight of the big picture and will be unable to spot the solution that may just be right under your nose. When you are too caught up in your problems, you’ll be too busy to even notice the faintest flicker of hope.

You must find ways to bounce back. Be the victor, not the victim. Life is a marathon, and your goal should be not to win it all the time. Instead, you need to focus on your running and learning not to quit. Instead of making excuses on your failure, you must learn to get back up and let your creative juices flow so that you can achieve what you want most. Have a worthwhile goal, one that deserves a spot in your loved ones’ minds. If your life were a book, let it fall under the inspirational category.

Visit my website for heaps of inspirational freebies.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

#iamblessed Trending Topic on Twitter

IAmBlessed is currently a trending topic on twitter. I'm not sure why , but to tell you the truth, I don't really care. What I do care about is the fact that a lot of people realize the power of gratitude!

If you read the IAmBlessed posts on twitter you'll find that many mention relatively minor, seemingly unimportant things. This may tempt you to underestimate how powerful finding things to be grateful for actually is.

Take a single mum struggling to find money to pay the rent. And yet she always manages to pay the rent on time..... What mindset can she adopt to put her in a position of greater power?

Is loosing sleep because she is constantly worrying about where her rent money will come from going to help? Or is it better that she be confident in her ability to generate money when needed and just "know" that whatever happens she'll cope.

She can either fill her thoughts with fear, worry and anxiety about not having a place to live next month or she can be grateful (in advance) to have money to pay the rent. Gratitude will free her mind of fear, worry and anxiety.

As those of us who believe in the Law of Attraction know, the universe abhors a vaccuum. If her mind is not filled with fear, worry and anxiety the universe will conspire to fill it with something else.

What would that something else be?

Let's keep #iamblessed trending!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Feel Energetic in Any Situation

Staying upbeat and positive, despite problems, is difficult to do. What tends to happen in difficult situations is that our focus shifts to the negative eventually making us angry. Anger dissipates our energy depleting our mental and physical resources and we are left sulking and moping about. Not a very productive state for problem solving to say the least.

The good news is that each and every one of us has a place of tranquility and peace deep inside us. And this place can be accessed even when we are faced with the most difficult of circumstances. When we are in this place we feel energetic. This is where we need to be when problem solving, it’s a powerful position.

When we feel energetic any difficulties can be quickly dealt with. Then we dust ourselves down, get back up and move on ready to face more of whatever life wants to throw at us. In the meantime we are growing and developing as a person.

That’s all very well, but how do you get to this state?

One way is to exercise. Regular exercise is a way to safely release frustrations and anger. Exercise increases serotonin and endorphin levels giving you a natural high!

Another strategy is to meditate. Meditating for at least 20 minutes a day has enormous benefits for your mental health.

Also, maintaining good relationships with your family and friends ensures you are loved and supported through difficult situations. Often times being able to talk about difficult issue will dissipate the negative energy that will pull you down.

Ensuring you get enough rest is crucial. Being sleep deprived not only makes you feel physically awful but makes any situation seem worse than it actually is.

Coping with problems is a learned skill that you will quickly master when you follow these simple tips. Regular exercise, meditation, good relationships and plenty of rest give your mind the fuel it needs to feel energetic to operate efficiently, effectively and, most importantly, happily.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Free AdWords Cheat Sheets & Videos

Pay per click is undoubtedly THE advertising breakthrough of the 21st century. For the first time in history, you only show your ad to people already interested in what you've got to offer, ... and you only pay when they visit your "store"

Click here for 17 FREE AdWords Cheat Sheets, Videos, and MP3s

But because the search engines charge advertisers less money for truly relevant ads which get plenty of clicks (and add a penalty to all the others), ... it's also the first time in history that managing a single ad campaign has become a full time job!
You see, increasing competition, costs, and quality requirements imposed by the search engines make it VERY difficult for most people to get maximum profit from PPC.

Glenn Livingston is one of the most highly respected AdWords marketers in the United States. More importantly, he runs a large AdWords management agency and has seen literally hundreds of PPC accounts, so he really knows what works from a "dollars
in vs. dollars out" vantage point. (Compare that to a lot ofthe self proclaimed gurus out there "talking theory")

Glenn also actually has very strong business background consulting for dozens of companies like AT&T, Lipton, Novartis, Whirlpool, and many, many more. And, also unlike many of the gurus you may have followed, Glenn's successfully built 17 of his own AdWords projects in markets having NOTHING TO DO with internet

And he's endorsed by the authors of BOTH major AdWords books.

But the best thing is, Glenn's marketing philosophy is to deliver real value BEFORE he asks for the sale. Which means he's put a tremendous amount of blood, sweat, and tears into creating these Adwords Cheat Sheets, Videos, and MP3s.

So you really WILL get critically important AdWords insights about:

- Overcoming PPC Overwhelm --> Maximum Results in Minimum Time
- Sending Your Quality Score Demons Where They Belong
- Selecting Your Single Most Important Keyword
- Attracting Hyper-Responsive AdWords Visitors
- Optimizing the Content Network (the largest network in the world)
- Rolling Out to MSN, Yahoo, and Other PPC Engines
- Finding Your Single Most Important Competitor

And much, much more.

I can't recommend this highly enough ... it's one of the truly FREE resources on the internet that really does deliver value.

Click here for 17 FREE AdWords Cheat Sheets, Videos, and MP3s

If you'd like to become an affiliate and give away these adwords cheat sheets and videos just click here.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Making Friends and Keeping Them

Making friends doesn’t mean we have to do put all our efforts into doing absolutely anything to win their friendship. Truth is there are just some people we will never get along with and trying to make friends with them is just a waste of time. People we befriend tend to have similar views on life or share similar interests or hobbies to us.

To make friends it also helps if we are they type of person people like to be friends with. Positive, energetic people will always have more friends than negative, lazy people. Let’s face it what type of person would you prefer to spend your time with?

Most of us tend to avoid pessimists (or should) because they will forever try to smash your dreams and come up with reasons why you will fail. Do not be one of them.

A lot of pessimists tend to operate under the guise of being realists! Are you doing that? Do you tend to point out all the reasons why someone is more likely to fail instead of encouraging them to succeed?

Exude a positive aura and you will never lack for friends. Communicate your inner glow and be willing to share your “secret” with others. When you help make others feel good about themselves you have just made the world a better place!

If you are forcing yourself to be positive and feel you are being insincere it simply means you have to work more on yourself. Start using affirmations, read inspirational books – whatever it takes to make your realize you can have it all!

Developing great friendships is simply a matter of outlook. Each and every one of us is unique and special . You have talents and traits your friends don’t have and they have talents and traits you don’t have. This makes life colorful and interesting.

It is through being positive that we can truly know what our strengths are and further enhance them so that we can help others in ways that they can’t do for themselves. If everyone was living their best life the ties between all human beings would become much stronger!