Monday, November 30, 2009

Affirmation: My wisdom grows each day.

Every day I learn something new from a diverse array of sources. My wisdom grows when I open myself up to the lessons all around me. The world is my classroom and each person I come into contact with has the potential to be my teacher.

When I remove pride and prejudice from my mind, I allow myself to learn freely from the youngest infant to the most seasoned adult. I give myself the gift of understanding when I accept the knowledge that can be found in the most unusual places.

I grow in wisdom and understanding when I humble myself with the thought that I cannot possibly know everything. Accepting this fact lightens my load and helps me to actively seek more knowledge. I am a life long learner and a student of life.

My life's lessons have made me well prepared for what I may encounter in the future. I make wiser decisions each day based on the knowledge that I have attained through experience.

I choose to live my life with my head held high, no matter what mistakes I've made. The mistakes of my past are in my past and I have learned from them.

Today, I allow myself to learn from the most unexpected teachers in order to grow in wisdom and understanding. I choose to treasure the lessons of today to make better choices tomorrow and to freely share my knowledge with future generations.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What can I learn today?
2. Who can I learn from today?
3. What have I learned from the mistakes in my past?

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