Saturday, November 21, 2009

Affirmation: I am attractive, just the way I am.

When I look in the mirror I am pleased with the person that looks back at me. Beauty radiates from my smile. When getting dressed, the first thing I put on every day is my smile because it is the accent accessory that completes any outfit.

I take care of my body in order to present myself attractive in every situation. I present myself with class out of love and respect for myself.

I spend time and effort on the clothes that I buy and wear. My clothes are always clean and ironed before I go out. I express myself through my clothing and I am proud of how I look. When I feel good about how I look, I glow with confidence.

My body is healthy and beautiful just the way it is. I am content with my facial features because they make me unique. I remove comparison from my mind because comparison breeds condemnation.

I refuse to be consumed with thoughts about my appearance because there is much more depth to my character than that. I give most of my attention to things beyond the flesh.

Daily, there are people who find me attractive and compliment me on my appearance. I believe others when they tell me that I am beautiful. I accept compliments easily because I believe I deserve them.

Today, I am focused on the beauty that comes from within me. I measure my beauty by who I am, inside and out.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What is my favorite physical feature?
2. What is my most beautiful personality trait?
3. How do I feel when I look presentable?

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