Monday, November 30, 2009

Affirmation: My wisdom grows each day.

Every day I learn something new from a diverse array of sources. My wisdom grows when I open myself up to the lessons all around me. The world is my classroom and each person I come into contact with has the potential to be my teacher.

When I remove pride and prejudice from my mind, I allow myself to learn freely from the youngest infant to the most seasoned adult. I give myself the gift of understanding when I accept the knowledge that can be found in the most unusual places.

I grow in wisdom and understanding when I humble myself with the thought that I cannot possibly know everything. Accepting this fact lightens my load and helps me to actively seek more knowledge. I am a life long learner and a student of life.

My life's lessons have made me well prepared for what I may encounter in the future. I make wiser decisions each day based on the knowledge that I have attained through experience.

I choose to live my life with my head held high, no matter what mistakes I've made. The mistakes of my past are in my past and I have learned from them.

Today, I allow myself to learn from the most unexpected teachers in order to grow in wisdom and understanding. I choose to treasure the lessons of today to make better choices tomorrow and to freely share my knowledge with future generations.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What can I learn today?
2. Who can I learn from today?
3. What have I learned from the mistakes in my past?

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Affirmation: My life is precious and meaningful.

I love my life! I love everything about my life because I choose to look through optimistic eyes. I find ways to infuse joy to those around me in every situation. Even when life seems to be monotonous, I uncover ways to break out of old ruts and create new paths.

Every day, I look for fresh ways to enjoy life. I seek adventure like a pirate seeks treasure. I make the best of each day. I seize every opportunity to create adventure for myself, because I know that I only have one life to live.

My life counts. My life is significant. I have been created with passion and purpose; therefore I live passionately and purposefully. There are dreams that I can hardly wait to see fulfilled. I greet each day with excitement and expectation knowing that great things will come out of my life.

There are people who count on me. My friends and family make life worth living. Sharing life with others makes the journey more gratifying. Love, laughter, and the simple things I share with my loved ones are what make life great.

No one else could ever fill my place. I am a unique individual with talents and gifts that are important to the world. Out of more than 6 billion people who live in this world, there is only one me. There is only one person with my DNA and fingerprint. I can make a difference in the world.

Today, I choose to live as one who understands my value in this world.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What do I live for?
2. What makes me unique?
3. How can I make life more adventurous?

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Affirmation: I welcome change in my life with an open heart and mind.

Change keeps my life fresh and exciting. My life is enhanced by change. When the monotony of my daily routine causes life to seem dull, change spices things up. My heart and mind are open to change because I understand the benefits that breaking out of the routine brings.

I choose to embrace change like a newborn baby exploring the world for the first time. I allow myself time to adjust to new life experiences. I remove fear and personal opinion while I allow change to take place. My attitude toward change is positive. Not only do I accept change, I seek it.

I listen before I speak in order to give myself time to evaluate situations prior to drawing conclusions. I embrace the differences in others and accept their ideas. I am confident enough in who I am to accept others' suggestions.

Changes in my life are simply new paths to reach my destiny. I trust that I am still on track to reach my final destination despite detours from my plans. New experiences keep life unique and interesting. I am open-minded while remaining true to my values and beliefs.

I look forward to change because I enjoy adventure. I understand that, in order to achieve different results, changes have to be made to the way I live my life. I embrace change as a vital part of my journey. My mind continues to be at peace in the midst of change because true change begins in my heart. Today, I choose to seek and embrace the gift of change in my life.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How can I be more comfortable with change?
2. Are there things in my life that require my attention right now?
3. What is stopping me from embracing change?

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Hope to see your keywords ranking in the top 10 soon!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Affirmation: I pursue my dreams with passion.

My dreams are important to me because they are my assignments in life. Believing in the power of my dreams is what allows me to see my dreams come to fruition. Every day, I do everything within my power to pursue my dreams. I exercise my spiritual muscles in order to run the race with strength and endurance.

I believe the only way to achieve success is to live with intense passion. If anything is worth doing, it is worth giving my all to. My heart is tied to every task that I set out to do and I am certain about my goals and the direction in which my life is headed.

I allow myself plenty of time for mental and physical rest in order to perform at my best. Discipline and diligence are my nourishment. Every decision that I carefully make brings me one step closer to my dreams. My steps are purposefully ordered. I am in charge of my future and leave nothing up to chance.

I am diligent about reaching my goals. I carefully plan every move I make to ensure that it is a beneficial use of my time. My plans reflect my life's priorities and my time and money are spent on that which I value most. My integrity places me at an advantage over my opposition.

I keep my goals squarely in sight so I can remain focused. I am fierce about reaching my dreams and I am confident in my ability to do so.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What is my motivation?
2. Am I being proactive in my decision-making?
3. What can I do to pursue my dreams more diligently?

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Affirmation: I can overcome any challenge on my journey to victory.

On my journey to victory, I can overcome any challenge that is set before me like a mountain standing in my way. Armed with courage I push myself to climb as far as it takes to get to the other side. I press on because victory awaits me at the top, but only if I persevere.

Determination is what makes me an invincible force throughout the journey. Regardless of what I see around me, above me, or even below me, I am determined to finish what I have started because it is my promise to myself.

I put on the gloves of persistence in order to firmly grip the side of the mountain so I can stay the course. One step at a time, I press on in my walk no matter what tries to get in my way. Even when inclement weather slows my pace, I continue to press on. Life is not about how fast I travel, but about enjoying the journey to my destiny.

I am strong and courageous enough to confront challenges head on. My passion drives me forward in spite of challenges. I am confident that my abilities are greater than whatever trials I my face. I know that I can overcome challenges with grace and poise when I walk with self-assurance.

Today, I choose not to simply face challenges, but to embrace them as opportunities to soar. I am climbing higher than ever before, certain that I will reach the top where I will give a shout of victory.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What is the force that drives me?
2. How can challenges make me stronger?
3. Why must I push myself to persevere?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Affirmation: Hope is my daily melody.

Every day I wake up with renewed strength and a resolve to make today a great day. I arm myself with positivity and take along a winning attitude. As I step out into the world, I begin to hear the beautiful melody of hope that follows me wherever I go.

Even when others choose to play the soundtrack of despair, I dance to the tune of hope. My ears are trained to listen only to the sound of hope and to ignore all other noise. I refrain from listening to negative news that will only try to rob me of my ability to hear the beat.

With so much negativity around me, I must actively seek the good in the world in order to remain hopeful. When I focus on the good characteristics of others, I am able to have hope.

My life is a song filled with assurance. Although there are no guarantees in life, I am confident that the life choices that I am making today are taking me in the right direction. In the end, I know that I will succeed.

I sing my song to the world so others can be uplifted during their time of sorrow. With each note I sing, hearts are mended and faith is restored to those around me. When I believe I myself, I inadvertently give others permission to do the same.

Today, I choose to be hopeful in the midst of despair because I am sure that the days ahead of me are brighter than those behind me. With hope as my melody, I dance forth into my future with grace.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What is the soundtrack of my life?
2. How would my life be affected if I refrain from listening to negative news?
3. What am I hopeful about today?

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Oceans of Pearls is this months release and you can get it free if you're not already a member.

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Read about Oceans of Pearls and Spiritual Cinema Circle by clicking here.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Submit Your Article For SEO Backlinks

Do you have your own website or promote an affiliate product that's related to health, wealth or happiness (ie abundance)? If so you are welcome to submit an article to my website.

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  • link from my website to yours in the about the author resource box

  • your article tweeted to my followers

  • announcement of your article on this blog

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  • I get to offer my visitors more free resources in the form of your informative article thereby increasing my reputation

There'll be no hoops for you to jump through such as registering or logging in. There's no requirement for the article to be unique, although you do need to have the right to publish. If you want to promote an affiliate product it is to your benefit to have the resource box link to your own website or blog, but I have no objection if you simply link to the sales page.

Only informative, quality articles will be published so don't bother spamming.

If you're interested simply submit your article for seo backlinks by clicking here.

Happy publishing!

Affirmation: Each day I learn something new I grow wiser.

Education is the foundation for improvement; therefore, I seek to educate myself daily. I am open to the lessons of life because there is no better teacher than experience. I position myself in places where I have the opportunity to experience new things in order to develop my mind.

I delight in learning so I can become wiser and teach others. Gaining new knowledge is a pleasure for me. As I pursue knowledge, wisdom finds me. Wisdom is more valuable than material riches.

My capacity for understanding is greater than I can imagine. I am able to understand concepts today that were not clear in the past because my mind is expanding. Each day, I absorb new information like a sponge. I read books to gain knowledge in topics that are unfamiliar to me.

I allow myself to learn from others because there is something to be learned from every human being. I listen when others speak to me in order to learn from their experiences.

My daily schedule has time open for me to deviate from the routine and pursue areas of interest that may come up spontaneously.

When the pace of my life is calm and peaceful, I am able to notice the little lessons around me. I facilitate a learning environment for myself by being open to the ideas and opinions of others and valuing them as I do my own. Today, I set out to learn something new from those around me.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How can I open myself up to accepting new knowledge?
2. When I am interested in a topic, do I allow myself time to research it?
3. What have I learned today?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Affirmation: I transform my actions by transforming my mind.

I have authority over my thoughts. I carefully choose which thoughts can stay and which must leave my mind. Constantly, I filter my mind because my thoughts soon become my actions.

I seek the positive qualities in other people because I believe good can be found in everyone. When I meet someone new, I am able to find common interests and I confidently speak to others free from fear.

When I remove fear from my mind, I am free to take risks. Freedom of the mind allows me to experience life in a new dimension. When fear tries to paralyze me, I pause. This allows me to feel the calming effects of inner peace. Thoughts of past successes flow through my mind like a river, which reminds me of the potential stored within me.

If I find myself indulging in self-pity, I immediately reject those thoughts and launch into action. Counting my blessings is the best way to focus on what is good in my life.

Instead of complaining about the tasks I must complete, I choose to be thankful for my ability to complete them. When I change my point of view and look at my responsibilities as blessings, I enjoy myself.

Today, I chose to think positively in order to act productively. I understand that my thoughts have the power to help move me forward. In everything I do, I seek to think positively because a healthy mind leads to a satisfying life.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How can I change my point of view?
2. What situation in my life can I see a blessing instead of a chore?
3. Do I seek the good in others?

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Affirmation: I live in the current moment and I am prepared to face any obstacles ahead.

I live focused on the current moment because this is the only time that I have to live it. In each moment, I seize every opportunity I have to have fun and improve myself. I indulge in a daily celebration of life without regard to things beyond my control.

My mind is set to live each moment of today to the fullest. I treasure today because I am setting myself up for a life free from regrets. When I look back at today, I feel proud of my choices and decisions.

I ignore distractions in order to be present in my life. I choose to take an active role in the direction my life is headed. I am fully living life, instead of allowing life to happen to me.

Being focused helps me to adequately prepare myself for the future. When I am organized, I conserve my energy for more important things in life. Armed with a plan, I can overcome any obstacle ahead.

I am surrounded by peace like a morning breeze on a cool autumn morning. As the seasons of life change like the color of the leaves, I rest assured that I can handle anything that comes my way. Yesterday is my teacher, today is my opportunity, and tomorrow is my destiny.

Today, I remain focused on what is before me and I embrace the future with great expectation. I let go of insecurity and allow peace to take over me.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What reasons do I have to celebrate today?
2. Am I paying enough attention to the things that matter in my life?
3. Am I setting myself up for a life free from regrets?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Affirmation: The world around me is my canvas.

The world around me is a blank canvas on which I paint with the colors of my attitude and character. As the artist of my own world, I choose to create hope with each brush stroke. Every decision I make leaves a mark on my portrait that will adorn or tarnish it.

When I act kindly toward others, my picture is enhanced with grace. I know what I want out of my life; therefore I make a conscious effort to transmit those dreams onto my canvas. When I look at my canvas, I have the power to see things from a positive perspective.

I appreciate the unique beauty in those around me. Each one of my loved ones contributes a different element of style to my work of art. Like the colors of the rainbow, the people in my life make the picture come alive with vibrant splendor.

I have the ability to create my own environment by what I contribute to the world and receive from others. But first, I have to express happiness and joy to others if I want those feelings to be reflected back to me. The message I send out to the world will come back to me like an echo.

Today is a fresh canvas upon which I choose to paint something beautiful. With each stroke I make today, I am creating a masterpiece out my life. I am making an everlasting mark on this world by displaying a positive attitude and genuinely loving others.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How can I enhance the picture of my world?
2. What am I going to paint today?
3. What do I contribute to the world?

Affirmation: I am attractive, just the way I am.

When I look in the mirror I am pleased with the person that looks back at me. Beauty radiates from my smile. When getting dressed, the first thing I put on every day is my smile because it is the accent accessory that completes any outfit.

I take care of my body in order to present myself attractive in every situation. I present myself with class out of love and respect for myself.

I spend time and effort on the clothes that I buy and wear. My clothes are always clean and ironed before I go out. I express myself through my clothing and I am proud of how I look. When I feel good about how I look, I glow with confidence.

My body is healthy and beautiful just the way it is. I am content with my facial features because they make me unique. I remove comparison from my mind because comparison breeds condemnation.

I refuse to be consumed with thoughts about my appearance because there is much more depth to my character than that. I give most of my attention to things beyond the flesh.

Daily, there are people who find me attractive and compliment me on my appearance. I believe others when they tell me that I am beautiful. I accept compliments easily because I believe I deserve them.

Today, I am focused on the beauty that comes from within me. I measure my beauty by who I am, inside and out.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What is my favorite physical feature?
2. What is my most beautiful personality trait?
3. How do I feel when I look presentable?

Friday, November 20, 2009

Affirmation: Fear is no match for my strong spirit and will.

My will and my spirit are stronger than any dart of fear aimed in my direction. When disappointment strikes, I remain confident in myself because I am certain that great success is within my reach.

Though fear may relentlessly try to come against me, my strong will helps me reject fear over and over again. I carry on in my journey with a positive attitude because my spirit is too strong to be broken. I dance through the streets of my destiny to the melody of joy, thanks to the invincible spirit within me.

I can accomplish anything I set my mind to when I am determined. I have written down my goals and my vision in order to stay on track. Nothing can stand in my way when I have a plan and an unyielding will.

Having a vision is like a telescope that magnifies my opportunities and places the barriers in perspective. When I look at the bigger picture, I realize that the obstacles I may face are nothing in comparison to the wisdom I will gain.

My spirit is fearless in the midst of new endeavors. Armed with courage, I am capable of charting new experiences for myself. My strong will and audacious spirit propel me to action even when I hesitate.

Today, I am fearless in the face of the unknown. I choose to replace discouragement with renewed strength and a desire to work harder in order to achieve more than I ever imagined.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. When was the last time I was able to overcome fear?
2. What is my motivation?
3. How can I prevent discouragement?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Affirmation: As I move forward, I grow wiser.

I move forward because standing still is the only guaranteed way to fail. Moving forward, whether I walk through victories or defeats, is the only way I will learn and grow.

Every step I take brings me one step closer to my goals. While on the journey to my dreams, I gather wisdom from my experiences, which helps me make better decisions in the future. In doing so, I am setting myself up for a life with no regrets.

I am eager to learn new lessons around me every day. I am mature enough to learn from the situations of others even before I face those situations myself. When I experience a shortcoming, I remind myself that mistakes are simply lessons in disguise.

When I experience a personal victory, I take note of successful strategies that I can use in the future. If I ever encounter failure, I reflect on my actions in order to perform better the next time.

I open myself up to new challenges with confidence allowing life to be my classroom. Each day I embrace life with the expectation that I will receive knowledge from the most unexpected places.

I dare to venture into every day, even when I am surrounded by uncertainty, because being a risk taker pays off with new knowledge that I never would have acquired otherwise.

Today, I choose to walk forth into my destiny with wisdom and direction. I embrace the opportunity to learn from the many sources of knowledge that engulf me. My knowledge increases as I fearlessly accept the lessons I am being taught by life itself.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What lessons has life taught me recently?
2. What unexpected knowledge can I find today?
3. How can I share my wisdom with others?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Inspirational Quotes and Affirmations

Arriving at one point is the starting point to another. - John Dewey

Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. - Henry Ford

One of the advantages of being disorderly is that you are constantly making exciting discoveries. - A A Milne

People who fight fire with fire usually end up with ashes. - VanBuren

If you only have a hammer you tend to see each problem as a nail. - Abraham Harold Maslow

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing. - Abraham Lincoln

Life is like a staircase. You have to go up each stair to reach the top. - Unknown

It is easy when we are in prosperity to give advice to the afflicted. - Aeschylus

Man cannot discover new oceans unless he as the courage to lose sight of the shore. - Andre Gilde

No act of kindness no matter how small is ever wasted. - Aesop

The secret of happiness is to make others believe they are the cause of it. - Al Batt

It's so hard when I have to and so easy when I want to. - Annie Gottlier

Be a man of value not necessarily of success. - Albert Einstein

It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education. Albert Einstein

There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self. - Aldous Huxley

I am a problem solver.

I can create a clear set of directions for my goals.

I accept people as they are.

My expectations always come with its own eraser, so I can always make changes at will.

I avoid focussing on the trees so I dont' lose sight of the lush, beautiful forest before me.

See these and other inspirational quotes and affirmations on free downloadable wallpaper.

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