Thursday, July 30, 2009

#iamblessed Trending Topic on Twitter

IAmBlessed is currently a trending topic on twitter. I'm not sure why , but to tell you the truth, I don't really care. What I do care about is the fact that a lot of people realize the power of gratitude!

If you read the IAmBlessed posts on twitter you'll find that many mention relatively minor, seemingly unimportant things. This may tempt you to underestimate how powerful finding things to be grateful for actually is.

Take a single mum struggling to find money to pay the rent. And yet she always manages to pay the rent on time..... What mindset can she adopt to put her in a position of greater power?

Is loosing sleep because she is constantly worrying about where her rent money will come from going to help? Or is it better that she be confident in her ability to generate money when needed and just "know" that whatever happens she'll cope.

She can either fill her thoughts with fear, worry and anxiety about not having a place to live next month or she can be grateful (in advance) to have money to pay the rent. Gratitude will free her mind of fear, worry and anxiety.

As those of us who believe in the Law of Attraction know, the universe abhors a vaccuum. If her mind is not filled with fear, worry and anxiety the universe will conspire to fill it with something else.

What would that something else be?

Let's keep #iamblessed trending!

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