Thursday, May 13, 2010

Affirmation: When I organize my space, my life has order.

My life has order because everything in it has a place. Being organized helps me achieve balance in my personal life.

I eliminate wasting time searching for things because I know I can find them exactly where they belong. I keep things in their place to reduce clutter and save money by not having to purchase what I already own.

My productivity level increases when I am able to focus on my work and my priorities in an environment free from chaos. I am able to get more work done in less time, allowing me to free my time to spend on more important things like family.

Clutter is absent from my life; instead, I am surrounded by peace and serenity. I am able to set personal goals and achieve them because I am in control of my environment.

Organization helps me succeed. I seldom have to stop my work to look for an item or wonder where my tools are. My concentration improves as I devote more uninterrupted time to my thoughts.

My life is free from stress when I know where things belong. Peace fills my soul when I look across my clean house, organized desk, and neat car.

I am organized because I value the things I own. The extra time that it takes every day to put things back in their place is worth my peace of mind.

Today, I reclaim order in my life. I choose to honor myself by giving the gift of an organized space.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What areas of my life could use more organization?
2. How do I feel when my space is organized?
3. What steps can I take today to improve my organization?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Affirmation: The person I see when I look in the mirror is who I want to be.

I love the person I see when I look in the mirror. When I stand before myself, I see a beautiful, talented, hard-working individual willing to do whatever it takes to fulfill my dreams.

Not only do I love my personality, but I also love my physical appearance. In my inner dialogue, I build myself up with encouragement. Criticism is absent from my mind.

Whenever I am displeased with what I see, I make adjustments to my lifestyle to achieve the desired results. I make every necessary effort to be the person I want to look at. I work out on a regular basis to keep my body in the shape it deserves.

I am the only one who determines what I want to look like. As long as I love what I see in the mirror, the opinions of others are irrelevant.

When I stand before my own reflection in the mirror, I am filled with pride at who I am. The sacrifices I make daily to improve my image are paying off.

Loving who I see in the mirror requires forgiving myself of past wrongs and being patient with myself as I progress toward my goals.

At mealtimes, I keep in mind that everything I eat has an effect on my body. Having this mentality helps me exercise good judgment during meals.

Today, I choose to embrace myself just the way I am. I choose to accept my imperfections and work on the things that I desire to change.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What is my favorite physical attribute?
2. What is one thing I would like to change?
3. How can I make my inner dialogue more encouraging?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Affirmation: My life is full of joy, health, and happiness.

My life is filled with everything good. Inside my heart there is an overabundance of positive emotions. When I think about my life, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for all my blessings. True joy is the result of a grateful heart.

There are innumerable sources of joy in my life. My family and friends are the most precious gifts I have ever received. The unconditional love that I experience with them, especially in times of need, fill my heart with joy.

My joy is contagious and constant. I choose to rejoice in every circumstance. I am filled with joy because I focus on the good things and give thanks for my life.

The quality of my life matters; therefore I strive to live the best life I can. My goal is not merely to survive, but to live out the plan that has been set before me.

I practice healthy habits in order to enjoy good health. Good health improves my stamina and my ability to enjoy life. When I feel good physically, I feel good emotionally.

Everywhere I look, I see a new source of happiness. I pay attention to the little details that make life great.

Each day, I aim to share a deep laugh with someone. I allow myself to release my inhibitions, throw my head back, and laugh like a child. I surround myself with happy people in order to keep the feeling alive.

Today, I choose to look at life through appreciative eyes that focus on the small things that bring me joy, health, and happiness.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What are my sources of joy?
2. How do I take care of my body?
3. What am I grateful for today?

Monday, May 10, 2010

Affirmation: My life has a healthy pace.

I live my life at a healthy pace in order to balance between productivity and pleasure. Carrying on at a healthy pace allows me to enjoy the view instead of zooming by.

My steps are ordered and deliberate. I walk through life swiftly enough to accomplish what I set out to do, while leaving myself ample time for relaxation in the end.

Planning ahead and setting clear goals helps me to keep a steady beat without having to stop or lose my rhythm. When I know my vision, I am able to get right to work from the start of the day.

I have scheduled time for myself to catch my breath in between engagements. When I am faced with change or with a spontaneous situation, I am able to handle it calmly because my schedule allows me time for emergencies.

By keeping a steady pace I can schedule all my responsibilities in such a way that enables me to be on time.

Throughout the day, I take mental breaks to regroup. Giving myself the gift of time, I can slow down enough to stop and appreciate the little things that make life great.

I make time for priorities in my schedule because the only way I can be of any service to others is by taking care of myself. Rather than a to-do list, I have a wish list of things I strive to do for myself.

Today, I choose to live at a healthy pace so I can enjoy an appropriate balance of productivity and pleasure.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How can I better prepare in advance for my day?
2. What activities should I eliminate from my plans to make room for relaxation?
3. How can I be more productive?

Affirmations, Quotes and Self Help Articles: Affirmation: My determination sets me up for success.

Affirmations, Quotes and Self Help Articles: Affirmation: My determination sets me up for success.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Affirmation: My family can count on me for encouragement.

I speak words of encouragement to my loved ones every chance I get. In a world filled with so much negativity and criticism, it is my responsibility to build up those around me.

Positive words overflow in my speech. I think great thoughts toward my loved ones and I believe that there is greatness within them. I motivate my family members to reach new heights and to try new things.

Finding something positive to say is easy for me. I look at people with eyes full of grace, which is the way I would like for others to look at me.

I speak sincere words of affirmation to my family because I love them and want to see them achieve their best. My words are like a trampoline on which their dreams bounce off and reach new heights.

Pointing out the negative is worthless; instead, I look for and focus on anything well done. When I speak words of encouragement to my loved ones, they are filled with a desire to perform even better. The more positivity I speak, the more they improve!

My loved ones respect what I have to say because I am sincere. I enjoy motivating people to achieve success in every area of their lives.

I am like a cheerleader to my family. They can count on me to attend important events and to be part of special moments in their lives.

Whenever my loved ones experience difficulty in their lives, they feel safe coming to me for advice. I am always ready to offer my loving encouragement.

Today, I choose to speak positively to my family and refrain from criticism by focusing on good things.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How can I be more encouraging?
2. Which of my family members needs an encouraging word today?
3. Do I build up my family members with my speech and actions?

Affirmation: My determination sets me up for success.

Daily, I picture myself enjoying great victories. Whatever my heart dreams and my mind envisions, becomes a reality through my determination. In my mind, I am confident that I will succeed because I have an unshakeable faith in my abilities.

When a door closes, I keep pounding until it opens because I am determined to find a way to achieve what I have set out to accomplish. If all doors are closed, I look for a window or I make my own path because I am unstoppable.

Giving up is not an option. I am unaffected by temporary failures. I reject fear, doubt, and unbelief. I shut out all the voices that speak these things to me and remind myself that life is only as difficult as I choose to see it. When I am tired, I drink from the cup of perseverance to quench my thirst.

Success is within my reach because I have the necessary skills to achieve it. I am willing to face all the odds against me and I am determined to defeat them. The strength to overcome obstacles is within me.

By seeking relationships with people who encourage me and push me forward, I position myself on the path to triumph. Excuses are absent from my vocabulary because they simply cloud my vision.

Today, I choose to focus my vision to see only victory. I turn off all distractions in order to concentrate on the things that are important to me.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What distractions do I need to turn off?
2. How can I eliminate excuses from my vocabulary?
3. How can I persevere in the face of a closed door?

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Affirmation: My desire to succeed is more powerful than disappointment.

I am successful because I am driven by my dreams instead of my circumstances. Focusing on my goals helps me overcome disappointment and enables me to accomplish what I set out to do.

Disappointment is sure to come, but how I handle it is what sets me apart from the rest. I refuse to give in to the destructive effects of self-pity.

When I am down, I dust off my knees and get back up again because my dreams are worth the fight. The clouds of disenchantment may try to block my view, but my strong will helps me to look clearly past my current situation.

Even in the face of setbacks, I am at peace because I understand that failure is temporary as long as I learn from it and move on. My attitude remains unchanged, even when my circumstances change.

My ultimate goal is to utilize my abilities to make a difference in the world. I am more concerned with fulfilling my purpose in life than with pleasing everyone around me.

Criticism and disappointment are simply distractions that try to take my attention from the things that matter most. When I catch myself wallowing in self-pity, I snap out of it by reminding myself of my priorities.

When disappointment comes, instead of quitting, I envision myself crossing the finish line. I visualize myself tasting the sweetness of victory that awaits me if I persevere. I tell myself over and over again why I do what I do.

Today, I choose to stir within myself a new passion for what I do in order to strengthen my will. I refuse to allow temporary failure to rob me of my dreams.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How can I overcome disappointment?
2. What lessons have I learned from a recent failure?
3. What is my ultimate goal?

Friday, May 7, 2010

Affirmation: My children's laughter is music to my ears.

There is nothing in this world sweeter than the sound of my children's laughter. The sound of their sincere laugh carries a melody of peace that saturates the air all around them.

My children's laughter is like a love song they sing to life. Their zest for life is contagious. It doesn't take much to make my children laugh; they giggle at everything! Regardless of what is going on in their day, they can put aside their problems and laugh out loud.

I make time to enjoy my children daily and listen to their laughter. I watch them throw their heads back, squint their eyes, and open their mouths to laugh until they are out of breath.

When I spend time laughing with my kids, I allow my worries to melt away. My children teach me that life is fun and you can laugh about anything.

I make my children laugh as much as I can. I let them make me laugh too. A tickle fight is the best way to release stress after a long day. When all is said and done, laughter is what memories are made of.

Sharing a laugh with my children is worth more than anything money can buy. My children might forget the clothes they wore and the toys they had, but they will always remember the times we laid on the floor and laughed.

Today, I choose to pause my routine and focus on the melodic sound of my children's laughter.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. When was the last time I stopped to listen to my children's laughter?
2. How can I infuse laughter into all areas of my life?
3. What are my best memories of laughing as a child?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Affirmation: My body deserves to be nourished and satisfied with healthy fuels.

I take care of my body because it is the only one I have. As a gift from my Creator, my body deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.

I am the only person accountable for what goes into my body. I take that responsibility very seriously because I want to keep it nourished and satisfied in order to be able to enjoy all other areas of life.

I eat balanced meals every day that supply my body all the nutrients it needs to function well. I follow the guidelines of what a person my age should eat. I actively research the latest information from health professionals on foods.

I choose foods that are free from pesticides and preservatives in order to keep my body clean. Before I eat, I always wash my fruits and vegetables carefully.

Daily, I reap the rewards of a healthy lifestyle through renewed strength and energy. When I practice healthy habits, I feel alive, alert, and happy.

Although I enjoy food, I eat only as a necessity of living. I stay away from unhealthy social eating. My mind is strong enough for me to make dietary changes to improve my overall well-being.

When I fill up with healthy fuel, my engine runs smoothly. I enjoy the expedition of life much more when my vehicle is in good repair.

Today, I choose fuels that are healthy and I keep my body running smoothly because I am worth it.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What do I feed my body?
2. What are the rewards of living a healthy lifestyle?
3. Am I making wise food choices so I can enjoy a healthier life?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Affirmation: Limits increase my freedom.

Limits are essential in my life because they protect me from destruction and distractions. On the path to success, limits prevent me from missing the mark.

Establishing boundaries to help me organize my life is an act of love. Just like a mother sets restrictions for her children's safety, my boundaries are markers within which I can safely navigate.

When I know where my limits are, I can be confident of the steps I am taking. Uncertainty about boundaries causes me to walk in fear. I establish limits in my life so I may walk without hesitation.

In order to set limits for myself, I must be honest about who I am and what I want out of life. Having a clear vision helps me to identify paths, friendships, and behavior that are conducive to success and those that aren't.

I understand that, while some things may be fun, they may not be beneficial to my life's overall goals. It is in these circumstances that my limits save me from following paths that may lead me astray.

Once my limits are established and I know where my boundaries are, I can enjoy myself to the fullest. My freedom increases with the assurance that every move I make can ultimately benefit me.

Today, I choose to set boundaries for my own behavior. I identify areas in my life that are out of control and I give myself the gift of peace of mind by placing positive limitations in my life.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How do limits increase my freedom?
2. Why are limits essential to reaching my goals?
3. What boundaries can I create for my life?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Affirmation: In the face of change, I keep my cool.

In the face of change, I take time to let the situation sink in before I react. I go along with change declaring that it is for the better.

Change is the spice of life. When the routine gets bland and predictable, change shakes things up and reawakens my zest for life. I have a good attitude about change because it is what makes life interesting.

I am stronger than I know. When fear comes against me, I remind myself that the journey of life is more fun when I allow myself to take risks.

In the face of unexpected and sudden change, I can think on my feet. My wit and spontaneity allow me to be successful regardless of the situation.

I give situations a chance before forming an opinion. Even if change does not seem right at first, I stay the course until I understand the reasoning behind it. After all, everything happens for a reason.

To help others and myself embrace change, I strive to find the positive. I focus on the good and on the lessons that I can learn from the situation. My mind is set to absorb knowledge in every way.

I am confident and steadfast even in wavering times. In turn, I am in complete control of my emotions.

Today, I embrace change because it takes me into a new dimension. I also appreciate change because I am made stronger and wiser with each experience I face.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How do I react to change?
2. What can I learn from change?
3. How can I be more spontaneous?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Affirmation: Ideas flow from me like a spring of creativity.

Everywhere I look, I find inspiration for new ideas. My eyes are open to the sources of inspiration all around me. I visualize my thoughts transforming into a beautiful reality.

When I set my mind to it, I come up with brilliant designs by thinking outside the box. My potential is free from limitations. Daily, I encourage myself to think deeper than ever before.

If I feel like I am drying up, I take time away to relax and refocus so I can reawaken my soul. By changing my point of view and looking deep within myself, I can create fresh ideas. I keep a notebook nearby so I can write down my ideas as I get them.

I am witty, creative, and resourceful. I think on my feet when put on the spot. Being flexible allows me to expand my creativity and take new risks. At work, my contributions are an asset to the success of my company.

My vision allows me to see details that others miss because I look with passion. My family and friends are blessed when I share my gifts with them.

My mind is set to improve the world around me; therefore, when I read the ideas of others I automatically think about ways to make them better. I am a well of creativity where others can come and replenish their lives.

Today, I radiate new ideas by taking the time to contemplate the beautiful world around me. I share my creativity with others so they may be inspired to improve their own lives.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Where can I find inspiration?
2. Who can I share my ideas with?
3. What ideas am I most proud of?

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Affirmation: I turn failure into opportunity.

I turn failure into an opportunity for growth by learning from my experiences and proceeding in my journey. By moving forward instead of giving up, I give myself the gift of a new opportunity to fulfill my purpose.

To learn from my experiences, I look at the past objectively. I acknowledge my errors without self-condemnation because mistakes are part of life.

When I fail, I accept it as an opportunity for success. Failure does not mean that I am a bad person; therefore, I am free from internalizing and personalizing disappointment.

In the words of Thomas Edison, "I haven't failed; I've found 10,000 ways that don't work." Each time I seem to fail, I discover another option that can be eliminated.

I intentionally focus on the meaningful lessons of everyday life because life is about purpose and not about the mundane nuisances of my work.

Reaching a dead end may be painful because it is not the outcome I desired, but happiness is not about the absence of pain; rather, it's about the realization of purpose. Who I become, as molded by the experiences of my journey, is as important to me as where I finish.

When I feel overwhelmed by seemingly impossible circumstances, I remind myself that, from where I stand, I can only see a small glimpse of the big picture of my life. I turn that discouragement into opportunity by refusing to give up.

Today, I choose to have faith and trust that there is a plan for my life bigger than what my eyes can see. No matter how many times I fail, I resolve to get up and continue to follow my dreams.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Do I need to forgive myself for a past failure?
2. What lessons have I learned from a recent failure?
3. How has failure helped me redirect my dreams?

Quote: You can do anything, but not everything. David Allen

Download this quote on wallpaper by clicking here.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Affirmation: I live each day on purpose.

I prevent my days from turning into weeks, then months, then years, by setting out to live each day with a plan and purpose.

I refuse to allow life to happen to me while I simply react to it. Armed with a plan and the knowledge of my purpose, I greet each day ready to do what I need to do.

When I think of the year ahead of me, I want to make every single day count, starting with today. Living each day on purpose puts me in the driver's seat of my life.

Every decision I make, I make intentionally, with the goal of getting one step closer to fulfilling my purpose. I have become proactive by eliminating my habit of putting things off until later.

Haphazard living is over for me. I am an adult fully capable for taking charge of my own life. The power to change my days lies within me.

I have removed myself from the sidelines and I have become an active participant in the game of life. Instead of watching my life unfold, I am now the co-author of my life's success story.

My friends and family are cheering me on as I make life-changing decisions. They support my plans to better myself and are inspired by my progress. My loved ones begin to take charge of their own lives, also, as they see my success.

Today, I choose to take action and do what needs to be done today. The "catch-up" game is over and I am in control of my destiny.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How can I better plan my days for success?
2. How can I make my life count today?
3. What is one thing I have been putting off that I can accomplish today?

Quote: The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude. Dennis S Brown

This quote may be downloaded on a wallpaper by clicking here.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Affirmation: I have the ability to meet my family's needs.

I am fully equipped to meet all of my family's needs with the gifts and talents found within me. With confidence, I work hard to be there for my family because who I am, when I am my best, is more than enough.

Bottled up inside me is the strength to run errands, the energy to do chores, and the wisdom to connect emotionally with my loved ones. I am unstoppable in my determination to provide a better life for my family.

My talents and abilities are more than enough to keep me secure at my job so I can provide for my family. The love I have for my family is like a spoonful of motivation that stirs up the gifts in me allowing me to perform my best work.

When I communicate with my loved ones, I take time to make sure that we understand each other. We avoid confusion by asking clarification questions and giving each other the benefit of the doubt.

On difficult days, grace washes over me like rain, allowing me to respond well to my loved ones. I choose my words with caution remembering that the hearts of my family members are my most valuable treasure.

I leave my work at work, freeing myself to be present physically and emotionally at home.

Today, I am meeting my family's needs with confidence, knowing that I am well able to care for them. I refrain from pressuring or doubting myself because my family loves me for who I am and I make them proud.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How do I provide for my family?
2. What areas of my life can I improve to be a better provider?
3. Which blessing that my family enjoys is the result of my hard work?

Quote: Goals are dreams with deadlines. Diana Scharf Hunt

This quote may be downloaded on free wallpaper in many resolutions by clicking here.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Affirmation: I forgive quickly.

When someone hurts me, I choose to forgive him or her as a way to free myself from a grudge. Forgiveness allows me to turn the page and end a chapter of bitterness.

As I let go of past hurts, I feel the chains begin to fall and I become a liberated individual at peace with myself.

The sooner I make the decision to forgive, the less time I will have to harbor negativity in my heart. The quicker I get rid of the hurt, the less of it will remain. The healing process may take time, but in the end, the freedom is worth it.

When I forgive quickly, I remove resentment from my mind and get back my ability to focus or concentrate on daily tasks. My relationships flourish because I am unaffected by worry and distraction.

I forgive as fast as I can because I am determined to repel all negativity from my life. I walk through life free from the burden of resentment. Positive thoughts and emotions rule my mind.

Prayer is the tool that enables me to reach the place of forgiveness. When I pray, I am honest with myself about how I feel. I ask for strength and courage to move on with my life without any anger for the offense.

Today, I choose to believe in the possibility of a better future by forgiving those who hurt me. I use my energy to form new relationships with peace of mind and a happy heart.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Who do I need to forgive today?
2. Why is it important to forgive quickly?
3. Am I allowing old wounds to keep me from my destiny?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Article: 8 Ways to Deal With Family Conflicts During Family Gatherings

Family gatherings can bring you and your family many cherished memories. However, there are often challenges when extended families get together.

Perhaps you or other family members have conflicts. Maybe there's a family member or friend at these gatherings that you simply don't get along with. Whatever the case may be, there are certain actions you can take to help keep conflicts to a minimum during reunions, holidays, or special events.

Keep the following tips in mind before you go to family parties:

1. Make peace. If there's an ongoing conflict that can't be resolved before the event, make it a point to put the whole thing on hold. Set those negative feelings aside for the time being and give yourself permission to enjoy yourself.

2. Remember the good times. If one particular person is a challenge, try focusing on the good times. Maybe you've known this person your whole life. Surely there are good memories that you can focus on instead of the ones that are causing you trouble. It's tough to be the bigger person, but in the end, you'll feel better.

3. Focus on the food. While you don't want to go overboard, food can be a nice distraction. There may be quite a spread of appetizers, main courses, and dessert items. Grab your favorites and enjoy. It can help you keep your mind off of the family conflicts.

4. Come to a quiet resolution. If you simply cannot put a challenge aside, deal with the conflict one on one and with a cool head. Remember there's a greater good, and you won't be the one that goes down in history for starting a scene during that reunion or get-together.

5. Stay away from others' arguments. Do your best to stay out of other people's conflicts, even if you're just trying to stick up for somebody. Adding more fire to the mix rarely helps. Allow the people involved with the conflict to work out the situation for themselves.

6. Take a breather. If things start to get too heated for your tastes, temporarily remove yourself from the situation. You can take the dog outside for a walk or play with the little ones. It may be just what you need in order to clear your head and calm down. Decide to put aside your differences until the end of the party, or work out your problem in a way that doesn't involve fighting.

7. Avoid turbulent topics. If you know that certain topics of conversation are likely to cause a stir, make sure that you don't bring them up. If someone else brings up one of these forbidden topics, see what you can do to change the subject before the matter escalates into something worse.

8. Adopt a positive attitude. You might be tempted to go to events with a negative attitude. It's understandable, especially if you're going to be crossing paths with people that often try to cause conflicts. But if you focus on an optimistic attitude before you even approach these events, you may be able to get through them with a smile.

Family parties can be a wonderful time of peace and blessings. Focus on the good things about your family and you'll survive all the togetherness!

Affirmation: I connect with my family by turning off distractions.

I turn off all types of distractions in order to give my full attention to my family. Making my family a priority helps them to feel the love that I have for them.

The computer is a resource for me to work and stay connected with family and friends. When unnecessary distractions try to hold my attention away from the things that matter, I have enough self-control to turn myself away.

I keep track of how much time I spend on my mobile devices to ensure that I am balancing my time efficiently. I make a point each day to spend more time looking into my children's eyes and speaking face to face with my souse than I spend on any other activity.

My family and I eat together at the table every night without distractions. The television remains turned off during family meals to allow us time to focus on each other and talk about our day.

I screen my calls and only answer the most important ones when I am around my family. I want to be present in the lives of my children so that they can have beautiful memories of their childhood to treasure for years to come.

If I feel tempted to waste time on my phone or laptop, I free myself by hiding it from my sight. I remind myself constantly that family and relationships are the only things of true value - the only things that last forever.

Today, I choose my family over my computer, the phone, a game, TV, or any other distraction.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Is my schedule balanced?
2. Which distraction do I need to remove from my view?
3. Am I spending my time on things of eternal value?

Quote: Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened. Dr Seuss

Like this quote? Download it now on free wallpaper available in many resolutions.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Affirmation: I communicate effectively with others.

Effective communication extends beyond making a clear point. Communication is about understanding others as well as being understood. I work hard at communicating with others so I can live in harmony with the world around me.

Regardless of the type of communication: verbal or non-verbal, explicit or implied, I use empathy to be able to understand others. My speech is marked by a polite tone, a warm vibe, and carefully chosen words. I practice a healthy balance of speaking and listening.

My listening skills make me successful at communicating with others. When I listen to others, I give them my full attention without planning the next statement in my head. I pause and truly hear what others have to say before I respond.

I am able to place myself in the shoes of others. I can see the world from others' points of view free from judgment. Even when I disagree with someone I try to understand his or her point of view.

When faced with a difference of opinion, I maintain my position while still being respectful. I diffuse tension with my joyful personality. My character is an asset to my ability to communicate. People love to be around me because of how I make them feel with my charm and wit.

Today, I am a magnet for constructive conversations. I repel all misunderstandings by being slow to speak and free from judgment. I measure my words with wisdom and listen with empathy. I speak clearly in order to help others understand what I have to say.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How can I be a better listener?
2. What can I do to improve my verbal communication?
3. Does my personality make others feel comfortable when speaking to me?

Quote: A problem is a chance to do your best. Duke Ellington

Click here to download this quote on free downloadable wallpaper.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Affirmation: I can comfortably take care of my needs.

My needs are important and deserve to be met without remorse. Feeling content and well taken care of is a huge contributing factor to my overall happiness. When I take care of myself, I am better able to serve others.

Like all people, I matter and deserve to be happy. Instead of waiting around for someone to give me what I need, I am proactive in getting it. I speak out because keeping my needs to myself only results in the deprivation of a better experience.

I seek counseling when I have an issue that I cannot resolve alone. Without shame, I express how I feel to people I look up to and ask for their input. Humility allows me to accept the advice of others.

The truth is, people are eager to please me if I voice my wishes. Those who love and respect me would do anything to make me happy; therefore, I tell them how I feel.

When I find myself in an awkward position or feel uncomfortable, I speak up for myself. I have the freedom to walk away from situations that cause me anxiety or stress. I remove myself from abusive relationships and never look back.

Sincerity is the key to fulfillment. I am sincere with myself and with those around me. Works of intimidation are useless against me because I am protected by truth. A life built on the rock of truth will outlast any trial.

Today, I refuse to be a victim and I refuse to be neglected. Armed with the supernatural strength of honesty, I fight off timidity and speak up for myself.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Do I keep quiet for fear of confrontation?
2. How can I become more comfortable speaking up for myself?
3. How can I be more honest?

Quote: Remember the difference between a boss and a leader. A boss says GO a leader says LET'S GO. E M Kelly

If you'd like this quote on a free downloadable wallpaper just click here.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Affirmation: I am who I am when no one is watching.

The true definition of who I am is determined by my actions in the absence of others. Who I am when no one is watching speaks volumes about the true intentions of my heart.

To be honest with others, I must first be true to myself. Therefore, the image I portray in front of others is the same that exists behind closed doors. What I say, what I do, and what I think remains unchanged when I am by myself.

A life lived with transparency brings honor to me. Integrity causes me to enjoy a life free from secrets and shame. My trustworthiness has won the respect of many others.

I act the same in front of others as I do when I am on my own because I have nothing to hide. I am at peace with who I am without needing the approval of others. Loving myself frees me to live life unconcerned about others' negative opinions.

My friends learn to be true to themselves by watching my example. What I preach publicly, I practice privately in my home. My character is reflected by my private actions even more than by what I do in front of others.

I practice transparency because my values demand that I govern myself accordingly. By being crystal clear, I eliminate the stress, distractions, and negativity that accompany a life of deception.

Today, I choose to be honest with others and myself by living a single life. I am who I am when no one is watching because I live for myself and not to please others.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Is my life the same privately and publicly?
2. Do I practice what I preach?
3. Are my values reflected in my actions?

Quote: The most wasted of days is one without laughter. E E Cummings

Want this quote on a free wallpaper? Just click here. Many resolutions available.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Affirmation: I am the master of my future.

My tomorrow is dictated by my actions today. How I act today is the blueprint for my future. Daily, I spend time reflecting on my actions and attitudes in order to alter my habits. I practice good habits because they breed success.

I choose to use my time wisely. Therefore my time is spent on activities that benefit me. Every decision I make is carefully thought out and evaluated because I am committed to shaping my future. In the end, I choose to do only that which brings me closer to my goals.

I focus on what I can control and release myself from unnecessary pressures. I control my reactions and I react with wisdom in order to live free from regret. Doing so allows me to enjoy the fruit of my hard work in serenity and peace.

My future is well planned because I set high standards for myself. I know where I want to go in my career, relationships, and other areas of personal growth. My plan includes strategies on how to become and achieve more.

When I think of where I am going, I am filled with enthusiasm. I am proud of where I am today because I know it is just the beginning of greater things to come. My future is a place that I face with expectation and uncontainable anticipation.

Today, in every decision I make, I am conscious of my future well-being.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Where do I see myself in 5 years?
2. How will I get there?
3. What do I need to do in order to ensure that I am moving forward?

Quote: No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted. Aesop

Download this quote on a free wallpaper by clicking here.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Affirmation: I am tapping into my creative side.

I have a creative mind, filled with beautiful ideas. I can be anything I want to be if I only tap into my creative side and allow creativity to flow.

I have been blessed with many talents and wish to develop them in such a way that I can impact the lives of others.

Every chance I get, I read magazines, books, and the work of other creative minds. Reading about others' creativity inspires me to try new ideas of my own. I allow the pictures and words I read to speak to my senses.

I seek inspiration in the natural, everyday life around me. There is no greater beauty than that found in nature; therefore, I spend time alone paying attention to the small things outdoors.

Children are some of life's most creative sources of inspiration. It is so refreshing to look at the world through the eyes of a child and see the wonder I often take for granted. Spending time with children boosts my creativity.

Listening to music also gets my creative juices flowing. Music elicits a slew of emotions by tapping into my memories and awakening my heart. When I listen to music, I pay attention to the many details that meld together to create a beautiful harmony.

Whether it is in reading, writing, art, nature, children, or music, my senses are set to find inspiration.

Today, I choose to turn inspiration into creativity and launch myself forward with ideas of my own. I am a creative individual whose time has come to share my talents with the world.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What inspires me?
2. What have I been afraid to try in the past?
3. How can I tap into my creative side today?

Article: 7 Ways to Strengthen Your People Management Skills

People management skills are important in all walks of life. Whether you're rich or poor, employed or unemployed, a corporate CEO or a plumber, strengthening these skills can help you live the life you desire.

Imagine how much easier life would be if people heeded your every wish! Your kids would be willing to do their chores, your spouse would do some of your chores, and your business life would soar to new heights! Surprisingly, strong people management skills can make all this possible.

Even if you feel like you currently have none, you can gain these people skills by becoming familiar with some basic psychology and then putting this knowledge to work for you.

We all share some basic desires. We all have many of the same wants and needs. When you meet these needs of others, people tend to be very easy to get along with. With patience, practice, and a willingness to understand people, you can develop strong people management skills.

Here are some good techniques for strengthening your people management skills:
  1. Put yourself in their shoes. If you had their position, would you like yourself as a manager? Great managers know what people are thinking and feeling. They're quick to pick up on things and work hard to solve problems among their team. Ask yourself if you're willing to do the same.
  2. Show gratitude and appreciation. You might feel appreciative of your team, but without action they'll never know it. Always be on the lookout for new and exciting ways to show these emotions.

    • Remember to say "Thank you" when others do something nice for you. People love to be appreciated and a sincere "Thank you" makes them feel good! They tend to want to please you even more when they know you appreciate what they do.
    • Show your appreciation by doing special things for others that you know they'll appreciate.
  3. Give sincere compliments. Think about what you really like about your team and point these things out as regular compliments. If you're sincere, chances are that the recipient will sense your genuine appreciation.
  4. Treat others with respect. Strive to always treat people with respect, no matter what their stance in life. Treat them the way you'd like to be treated. This shows character and strength, both of which are characteristics of someone with superior people skills.
  5. Delegate appropriately. When you delegate the right tasks to the right people, everyone gets a chance to excel and the team works together at its best. This raises the morale of the people around you and motivates them to do a good job.
  6. Be honest. Honesty is always the best policy. If you've ever been caught in a lie, you know how quickly you can lose someone's trust. Earning and maintaining trust is an important people management skill. When others trust you, they believe in you, and your opinions mean more to them.
  7. Listen attentively. Listening is fifty percent of communication. Truly listen to what it is that people are telling you. Make an effort to understand their point of view, even if you don't agree with it. When they know you consider their feelings as important, you've already won half the battle.

Practice these strategies each day in your communications with others, and one day soon you'll find that more and more people agree with you!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Affirmation: I am steadfast about my values.

There is a set of standards by which I abide with faithful loyalty. I am steadfast about my values because they are part of who I am.

The values that I have chosen for myself reflect my beliefs about appropriate behavior. I have chosen these values for myself because they help me be the person I desire to be.

I passionately abide by my convictions in order to remain true to myself. Being loyal to my values and myself keeps me from losing my way chasing after false dreams. I am resolute about finding and carrying out my purpose in life.

Peer pressure is powerless against me. I am unshakable about my beliefs regardless of what others say. When I decide to complete a task, my steadfast attitude gets me through it.

The way I carry myself is a direct reflection of my values. I continue to hold on to my values even through troubling circumstances where it would be much easier to compromise.

I am loyal to my spouse, even when it may seem justifiable to stray, because I love my spouse and I am a faithful person.

I speak truth at all times, even when a lie would benefit me, because I am honest and trustworthy.

I give to others, even when keeping what I have for myself would help me build wealth, because I enjoy sharing my blessings with those who are not as fortunate.

Today, I choose to stand on my values with a steadfast attitude even if those I love chose to compromise their own standards.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What are my priorities?
2. What are my values?
3. How can I resist the temptation to compromise my values?

Article: 6 Ways to Make Time for YOU in Your Hectic Life

Do you push yourself to be all that you can be? In your drive for excellence, you may take on so many projects that life often seems chaotic. In the midst of doing it all, do you remember to take time for yourself?

Spending time on YOU is critical! It enables you to feel rested, calm, stress-free, and fulfilled. When you've had proper rest, you can accomplish more and maintain the stamina to continue.

On the other hand, if you neglect to make time for yourself, you're more likely to become depressed, stressed, or unhappy.

Perhaps you feel that there's just not enough time for you. Somewhere in the mix, you lost any time you ever had for yourself. However, the good news is that, with some creativity and perseverance, you can recapture some of that critical you-time!

Consider using these strategies to reap some rejuvenating time for yourself:
  1. Pencil yourself in. Make time for yourself by adding it as a priority in your schedule. As you fill out your planner, include it along with your other important tasks and stick to the appointment!

  2. Give yourself 15 minutes when you get home. Insist on at least 15 minutes of recoup and rejuvenation time when you get home from work. If you have to lock yourself away from stressors or even family members, than that's what you must do! This time allows you to properly transition from your work life to your home life.

    • Explain this new technique to your family so that they understand its importance. This way, no one feels like you're just avoiding them!

    • A simple strategy is to soak in the bath for 15 minutes. The water will relax you, and you'll feel refreshed after a long day.

  3. Take advantage of your lunch break. Your lunch break is there for you to do what you please. After you eat, make good use of your time by going for a walk, exercising, listening to inspiring music, or even get in a bit of shopping if that's what relaxes you.

  4. Enjoy a break while the kids nap. Here's a good tip for stay at home moms. Give yourself some much needed "you" time whenever your children sleep. You might be tempted to get as much work done as you can while they're asleep, but you'll find you actually get more done if you give yourself a chance to rest and rejuvenate yourself.

    • Explore new ways of accomplishing things like household tasks while your kids are up. For example, turn chores into learning games that you can all participate in.

  5. Go to sleep earlier. Going to sleep earlier at night will enable you to get up in time to enjoy some morning "me" time. Just think how pleasant it would be to enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning without having to look at your watch.

  6. Take a vacation day. Take a vacation day to just relax and do whatever you like. You don't have to take a trip to take a vacation! Time spent on your favorite hobbies will also rejuvenate you. When you return to work, your renewed energy may surprise you!

At first glance, these strategies may look difficult to implement into your busy routine. A good way to get started with them is to incorporate just one at a time. That way, you only have to adjust to one small change. As you become accustomed to that one strategy, you can add another, and then another, until one day you'll find that making time for yourself is easy.

Once you learn to make time for you, you'll have more energy and time to enjoy the good things life has to offer.

Quote: It's so hard when I have to and so easy when I want to. Annie Gottlier

Click here to download this quote on a free wallpaper. Many resolutions available.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Affirmation: I am building a strong foundation with my spouse based on love, trust, and respect.

I love being married to the person I have chosen to spend the rest of my life with. The storms of life may rock our home, but the strong foundation of our marriage keeps our family standing tall.

The benefits of having a strong marriage far outweigh the hard work and effort it takes to maintain. I am selflessly committed to making my marriage work because my partner and family are worth it.

I love my spouse even when we disagree. The strength of our relationship is not dependent on anything my partner does, but on a commitment that I made to love them until the end. The love I feel grows every day, regardless of how my spouse changes with age.

My heart enjoys peace because I believe the word of my spouse and I am truthful when I speak to my partner. We are committed to maintaining our marriage free from secrets and lies. When making important decisions, I seek the input of my spouse in order to get another point of view.

My respect for my spouse is unwavering regardless of the circumstances. I am quick to listen and slow to anger. Even when I am upset at my spouse, I show my respect because my spouse is an intelligent human being worthy of admiration.

Today I choose to honor my spouse with respectful words, loving actions, and trustworthy character. I build our relationship by being a person of integrity because I am devoted to making my marriage last.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What is my spouse's best quality?
2. How can I be more open and honest with my spouse?
3. What can I do today to help my partner feel appreciated?

Quote: We tend to live up to our expectations. Earl Nightingale

Click here to download this quote on a wallpaper. Many resolutions.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Affirmation: I am an attentive listener.

I am an attentive listener because I genuinely value what others have to say. I benefit most from the communication process when I use active listening skills.

The first thing I do when I communicate with others is to show them that they can trust me. When someone is speaking to me, I listen attentively and allow them to take their time.

From my body language to my responses, my demeanor makes others feel comfortable. Others know they can trust me to listen to their hearts.

Cultural differences, such as accents, are easy for me to overlook. I value each individual by focusing on the content of our conversation.

When someone is speaking with me, I make eye contact to let them know that I am interested in what they have to say. At the end of our conversation, I paraphrase what they have said to ensure that I understood their point of view and eliminate confusion.

Instead of preparing my next statement, I suspend judgment and fully attend to the speaker. I put aside personal emotions and stay actively engaged with the speaker by asking questions.

I am an attentive listener because communication involves more than just speaking. It involves listening to feelings, interpreting statements, and evaluating body language.

Good communication reduces conflict, strengthens cooperation, and increases understanding. Every area of my life, from work to personal relationships, is affected by communication. When I work hard to communicate effectively, I improve my relationships.

Today, I choose to improve my communication by putting myself aside and valuing what others have to say. When I use active listening skills I improve my relationships.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How can I stay actively engaged with a speaker?
2. What can I do to improve my listening skills?
3. How does my body language affect my interpersonal relationships?

Monday, April 19, 2010

Affirmation: I am a team player.

Being a team player has more to do with my attitude than with the amount of work that I take on. The way I interact with my team is just as important as my contributions.

As a team player, I often have to lay down my ego for the benefit of the team. I am willing to perform tasks that I dislike in order for my team to profit in the end. Pride and arrogance are absent from my attitude.

I am willing to listen to the ideas and input of other team members. When other members of my team have ideas better than my own, I support them whole-heartedly, without jealousy.

Before our meetings, I plan in advance so I can be prepared to participate actively in the discussion. I am on time for meetings in order to send the message to my team that I value their time.

My teammates know that they can count on me because I demonstrate commitment. I value each member of my team and what they bring to the table. People are receptive to me because I respect their individual strengths and weaknesses.

I am courageous enough to admit when I am wrong and ask for help when I need it. I am humble enough to help others when they fall short.

When there is a misunderstanding, I address it promptly without allowing it to fester. I am open-minded and genuine with my teammates.

Today, I choose to be a team player and support those around me because we need each other in order to be successful.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How can I eliminate bias that I may bring to my team?
2. Do I value the ideas of others as much as my own?
3. What do my timelines and preparation say about me as a team member?

Quote: Lead me, follow me or get out of my way. General George Patton

Click here to download this quote on a wallpaper.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Affirmation: Giving back to the community is my pleasure.

I enjoy giving back to the community through community service, charitable donations, and volunteering. I am constantly looking for new ways to get involved through programs and partnerships.

When I give back to the community, I feel like I am making a difference in the world, one act of kindness at a time. Caring for one another is a human responsibility that we have for each other.

Giving back to my community makes me feel connected to those around me. When I volunteer, I meet other people who share a passion for improving my community. I also meet those who are less fortunate and simply need someone to care.

I can easily be part of the positive change by finding a list of community service events in my area and getting involved, or even starting my own. Whether I read to a child in a school or help build a home for someone, the impact is great.

If I am unable to actively participate during a season due to other commitments, I give financial support to help organizations that reach out on a regular basis to those in need.

Giving back requires that I put others before me and place myself in their shoes. I am blessed to have the ability to give my strength and funds to help others. Giving to others is rewarding!

Today, I reflect on all the blessings I have been given with a thankful heart. From this day forward, I choose to become more involved in my community and share my blessings by offering my time as a volunteer.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How has my community helped me become who I am?
2. Does my city have a community service calendar where I can volunteer?
3. Is there an organization that I can support financially?

Quote: Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything. Albert Einstein

einstein quote

Click on the above image to download.

Quote: The most important thing about goals is having one. Geoffrey F Albert

Click here to download this quote displayed on wallpaper in many resolutions.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Affirmation: I rejoice in giving.

Giving to others is a pleasure because it reminds me that I am blessed. I count it a privilege to be able to give. Every day, I am showered with blessings, which I look forward to sharing with others.

When I give to others, I am the one who benefits. Seeing the look of joy on someone's face after receiving my gift makes it all worthwhile. My giving comes from the heart; therefore I continue to give even when I feel empty.

I give freely, with no strings attached. I refrain from competition, comparison, and boasting because I give based on what I can give, regardless of what others may give.

I choose to give free from pressure. I put a lot of time and thought into my giving. Before I offer a gift, I am filled with joy and excitement in anticipation of the reaction of the recipient.

Giving is more satisfying than receiving. Knowing that I have helped a person in their time of need is priceless. Just as I would want others to be there for me in my time of need, I am there for others.

My giving is not limited to financial or material things; I give of myself, too.

When I am around my loved ones, I make it a point to be present in the moment and to give all of my attention to them. I volunteer for worthy causes because giving of my time and strength makes a difference.

Today, I choose to make an impact on the lives of those around me by lovingly opening my arms. After all, the more I give away, the more I gain!

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Why do I give?
2. Which non-material gift can I share with my loved ones?
3. What can I give today?

Affirmation: I am a well where others come to draw wisdom.

Wisdom is the ultimate gift, because it is my guide in life. The conviction that wisdom brings helps me to appreciate all of the other blessings in my life. My character is deeply rooted in my thirst for knowledge.

I am driven by a desire to leave behind a legacy for my children to follow. I want those behind me to walk in wisdom simply by following my footsteps. The values that I am teaching others through my example will live on long after my name is forgotten.

Fame is temporary, but knowledge lasts forever. Therefore, I spend my time and energy on attaining what has the most value: knowledge. Performing acts of kindness for others is the gift that keeps on giving.

The impact that my life is making on my children will outlast me for years to come. Generations after me will benefit from the decision I am making today to seek wisdom above all things.

I desire nothing more than to make a difference in the world and in the lives of the young people around me. Fame, fortune, and making a name for myself are irrelevant to me next to leaving behind a legacy of excellence and hard work.

I am digging a well with the shovel of persistence and the strength of desire. As I dig deeper into the well, I overflow with wisdom and character for others to take away.

Today, I choose to shift my focus from building a name for myself to digging a well that will serve as a resource for generations to come.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Am I devoting my time to something that will outlast me?
2. How can I make my life truly count?
3. Who can I help today to start making an impact in the world?

Affirmation: Food is my sustenance, not my friend.

Food is a nutritional tool for my health. Although food can be flavorful and delicious, I know how to enjoy it in moderation. I have the courage to politely reject food when I am not hungry and the strength to stop eating when I am nourished and satisfied.

My refrigerator is filled with fresh foods that are rich in vitamins and nutrients. My pantry stocked with healthy snacks that I choose to eat when I am hungry.

I remove unhealthy foods from my home to avoid temptation and help myself succeed.

Each week, I plan my meals in advance to ensure that I am eating a balanced diet so I can avoid last minute decisions that lead to unhealthy foods.

I eat a small snack or a sensible meal every 2 to 3 hours to stave off hunger that can cause overeating. The purpose of eating is to energize my body and brain so I can continue to live well. Eating the wrong things defeats that purpose.

When I go to parties, I stand far away from the buffet table and remove myself from tempting situations. I engage in conversation with my friends because I value relationships more than food.

I refrain from eating mindlessly simply to keep my mouth occupied. When I read a book or watch television, I chew gum or snack on healthy foods such as nuts and fruits.

Today, I choose to look at food as a means to fuel my body.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Why do I eat?
2. Are my foods packed with nutritional value?
3. What changes can I make in my kitchen to set myself up for success?

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Affirmation: Organization is easy and effortless for me.

I am able to organize my time and tasks effectively. My great time management skills enable me to take care of my important tasks and still have time to enjoy life!

I keep my planner up to date. When I am asked to take on a task, I check my planner and schedule it in appropriately. If I see that there really is no time for it, I am honest about my availability and refer them to someone who can help.

By being honest about my time, I respect others because they can still get the help they need from someone else. They appreciate my system, too, because they know with certainty that, if I do commit to something, it will be done. My organization skills earn their trust.

Every day I make a to-do list of my tasks with the most important priorities. I pare this list down to a bare minimum so I know that I can get the most important things done. Then, if there is time left over, I can start on the things that have secondary importance.

Taking time for myself is a priority. It gives me a chance to relax and rejuvenate so I come back better than ever, full of renewed energy. This is why I ensure that I schedule some time for relaxation every day.

I also make sure that there is some wiggle room in my schedule. This provides me the time to take care of important things that come up during the day without overloading my regular schedule.

Today, I intend to take a second look at my schedule and revise it according to my priorities.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Do I make it a point to keep my schedule up to date?
2. Have I learned to say "no" when I really don't have the time for something?
3. How can I revise my daily schedule according to my priorities?

Friday, January 15, 2010

Affirmation: My resolutions are achievable and realistic.

When I make a resolution, I use a strategy for success that works every time. It enables me to live my life without the fear of consequences or failure.

Before I commit to a resolution, I ensure it is achievable. If so, I make a detailed plan and take action every day. This way I can be sure of success with all my resolutions.

If I want to make a resolution for something that takes further education or skills, I research how I can make this possible, and then take action.

After careful planning and clearly defining tasks, it's critical to take action. When I focus on implementation, I am continually making progress.

It reminds me of the joke about the man who prayed and prayed to win the lottery. One day he received an answer back, "Do me a favor. Buy a ticket!"

So I make it a point to take appropriate action every day to facilitate my resolution. Without action, nothing happens! With action, everything is possible!

If my resolution involves things like eliminating bad habits or initiating good ones, I invoke the power of positive affirmations and self-talk to help me make the right choices.

I constantly remind myself about my strong desires for change. Doing so enables me to fight temptation and make smarter decisions.

Today, I intend to better myself by creating a plan for success with a resolution that is achievable and realistic.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Do I make a detailed plan of achievable tasks?
2. How can I use affirmations to help me make the right choices?
3. Do I take action every day to bring me success with my resolutions?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Affirmation: My mind is a sponge that attracts positive thoughts.

As I travel through my day, I soak up positivity from each moment. I glean goodness from everything - the aroma of my morning coffee, the jubilance of a puppy, and even a smile from a passing stranger. I am inspired, uplifted, and motivated by all of it.

When I wake up in the morning, I revel in the wonder of the dawn and the freshness of a new day. I give thanks for another day of adventure and look forward to what this day will bring.

I take my positive thoughts with me to work and I add to them as the day goes on. My optimism is contagious as my co-workers and I journey together through a myriad of customers, phone calls, and paperwork.

I find that one positive thought leads to another, and then another, and then some more! My relationships at work with my clients and co-workers greatly benefit from this optimism. It raises both morale and profits, providing a win-win situation for everyone.

After work, I rejoice in the company of my family and friends. Because of my positive mindset, instead of being exhausted from trials and tribulations at work, I am energized by the success of my day and I have plenty of time to spare for my loved ones.

Today, I plan to thoroughly enjoy the parade of positive moments that make up my day and share my positivity to uplift others as well.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Do I wake up in the mornings excited about the day ahead?
2. What positive things happened to me today?
3. How can I soak up more positivity from my every day experiences?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Affirmation: My internal flame grows stronger each day I pursue my passion.

I am filled with resolve to achieve my dreams. The more focused I am, the more determined I become.

The passion inside of me consumes me like a fiery blaze. The winds of life are but mere fuel for my fire. Difficult situations only help me grow stronger and wiser because my determination is unwavering.

My fire is enkindled by my dreams. I revisit my goals constantly in order to keep them in sight. My vision is written down so I can plainly see the direction in which I am headed.

I get excited when I think about spending all of my days doing what I love to do. No one else can take my place in this world; therefore I must pursue my passion in order to share my unique abilities with the world.

Every day, I seek to improve my talents and gifts in order to become the best at what I do. I brainstorm new and fresh ideas that will bring me closer to achieving my goals.

My passion is a part of who I am and I am confident that I am living out the purpose for which I was created. Pursuing my calling is as natural to me as breathing.

Knowing my purpose helps me shine brighter each day. The smile I wear on my lips is evidence of the peace and confidence that comes from knowing my purpose. My fire is contagious and I am able to inspire others with my steadfast determination.

Today, I choose to give my all to the pursuit of my passion and enjoy the feeling of satisfaction.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How do I pursue my passion?
2. How do I feel about my calling?
3. What is my driving force?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Affirmation: Laughter is my best medicine.

Some people say, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away," but I find that a good sense of humor and a hearty laugh every day has even better benefits! I use humor to help keep me healthy and solve all sorts of challenges.

First and foremost, laughter relieves my stress. When my mind is focused on something funny, I can't help but forget my worries, even if for a short time. Since stress causes most health issues, daily laughter keeps stress from building up to unhealthy levels.

A good belly laugh causes the mind to produce endorphins that promote a feeling of well-being. The way I figure, the more endorphins I make, the better I feel! It's no secret that people with a good sense of humor live happier, healthier, and longer lives.

When I am feeling down, I take a break from my tasks to enjoy a funny movie or play entertaining games. After having my fun, I feel rejuvenated and get back on track with what I need to do.

If I am involved in a tense situation with someone, I think of something funny to break the tension. It always works! After we laugh, we're better able to settle our differences amicably so we can find a win-win solution.

Laughter also helps me relax my mind. It sends extra oxygen to the brain that aids in clarity, which is always a good benefit.

Today, I intend to find humor in my everyday routines so I can rejuvenate my body, mind, and spirit!

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What gave me my biggest laughs today? How did I feel afterwards?
2. Do I laugh heartily every day?
3. How can I bring more humor into my daily life?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Affirmation: I give selflessly with no string attached.

I have been so blessed and I am glad to share what I have with those less fortunate. Giving promotes kindness, love, and positivity in the world around me.

I never know the extent of what my gift accomplishes, but I do know that it is appreciated. I feel that, if I can help just one person each day in some small way, I am making a positive difference in the world.

I give to help members of the human family. Sometimes when someone is down on their luck, a gift can brighten their day. When I see a distraught mother paying for baby formula by counting out her pennies, I give because I know I could be saving a life.

I give for self-fulfillment. It makes me feel good when I give freely of my money, time, or other blessings. The act of giving makes me feel like I have blessings in abundance. Plus, I love the feeling I get inside when I see someone's eyes light up with gratitude!

I give for love. I give freely to those I love, especially to my children! I share my blessings with them because that's what people who love each other do. Giving in this way also teaches my children to be compassionate and give freely of themselves.

I give because it is the right thing to do. If I were ever in need, I would hope that there were generous people who could lend a helping hand to me.

Today, I intend to give freely to others - the downtrodden, the less fortunate, and those I love.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. When was the last time I gave selflessly with no string attached?
2. How does it make me feel when I share my blessings with others?
3. How am I making a positive difference in the world?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Affirmation: I free myself from fear by planning ahead.

I am released from the bonds of fear because I have a plan for my day. A thorough plan is my antidote to worry and frustration. Knowing where I am headed helps me travel there with confidence.

I am calm when I know the direction in which my life is going. When I have a plan, I can enjoy peace because I know that I am prepared to face the day. I can enjoy calm because I have thought about things in advance.

I take pleasure in thinking about the future with intense anticipation, yet I plan ahead to keep myself at an advantage over uncertainty. Planning ahead helps me cultivate great ideas that may not come to me when I am placed in the spotlight.

Plans are the roadmaps to my life's adventures. My plan is not binding; rather it is a helpful guide that helps to direct me.

When I evaluate my plans, I am able to identify areas that need improvement and I work on those areas before they become a problem. I am a better person because I take the time to prepare myself in advance.

I know that my arrangements may not always work out, but they set me on a clear path toward bigger and better ideas. My plans are simply well thought out ideas of the direction I'd like to go.

Today, I choose to be free from fear by creating a realistic plan for tomorrow.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What plans do I have for today?
2. How can I better prepare myself for tomorrow?
3. How can I adjust my plans for the future in order to feel more confident?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Affirmation: I enjoy living fully and completely in the now.

Living in the present enables me to let go of my worries about the past or future and completely focus on what is happening now, in this very moment. I am free to relish every sensation and experience it to its fullest.

Focusing on the present moment also brings a multitude of joys into my life. I am able to re-discover the beauty in all things, big and small.

When my baby wakes up and smiles at me during a busy morning, I can forget the stress of everything that must be done and cherish that loving moment.

When my partner stops what he is doing to give me a hug, I can melt into his arms and feel his passion for life bolstering my own.

When I finish a project at work, I let myself enjoy the pride of accomplishment and success and use my renewed confidence to motivate me to achieve more.

Being able to forget about outside worries also allows me to focus completely on my tasks when I am working toward a goal. With no distractions to cloud my mind, I find that living in the moment catapults me forward, stronger than ever.

I take time each and every day to stop and smell the roses. When I let myself fully experience the present, l see that life can encompass so much more! Even everyday routines become fresh with the nuances of each day.

Today, I plan to fully experience each moment of my day and enjoy how fulfilling life can really be.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Did I truly experience living in the moment at any time today, or was I fraught with thoughts of the past or future, while putting my real day on autopilot?
2. When was the last time I stopped and smelled the roses?
3. How can I more fully incorporate living in the now into my life?

Friday, January 8, 2010

Affirmation: I choose to live a vibrant, healthy life.

If I want to be full of joyful energy, I must live a healthy lifestyle that provides all the energy I need. I also practice mental exercises on a daily basis that facilitate my healthy lifestyle as well as my optimism, happiness, and self-fulfillment.

My choice to be healthy includes eating nutritious foods. When I have a choice between picking up fast food and having a healthy meal, I opt for the healthy option. To make this easier, I plan ahead and freeze leftovers so there is always healthy food in the freezer to heat and eat on those harried days.

I make it a point to exercise every day. Even if I don't have time for a workout, I stay active and make healthy choices. I take the stairs instead of the elevator. When I go shopping, I park further out in the parking lot. I play active games with my kids and pets and go for pleasant walks with my family and neighbors.

My joyful and adventurous attitude helps me feel vibrant. I pray or meditate every day to inspire and motivate me. I practice positive self-talk and repeat positive affirmations to banish negative thoughts and feelings. I venture out of my comfort zone to take on new adventures with gusto.

Today, I plan to make healthy choices and experience total enthusiasm in everything I do.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Do I choose to live a vibrant life?
2. Do my choices for exercise and food match my real desires for how I'd rather live?
3. How can I add more enthusiasm to my daily life?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Affirmation: I carry an uplifting attitude with me each day.

When I get ready in the morning, I make sure to put on an uplifting attitude. I dress myself up with grace and accessorize with a smile. I bring positivity with me wherever I go.

When I interact with others I make it a point to genuinely compliment them. I see others for their good heart and kind spirit. I make every effort to focus only on the positive attributes of others instead of their shortcomings.

I look for the good in others and stay silent when I lack kind words to say. Pointing out the good in others makes them feel valued. My family and coworkers know that they can count on me to have a positive point of view in every situation.

My attitude causes others around me to become positive as well. My uplifting attitude catches on like wildfire. Others around me reciprocate my attitude by being pleasant toward me because I am pleasant to them.

I am a threat to negativity because my uplifting spirit is stronger than any unpleasant thought that may try to creep into my mind.

Today, I am unstoppable because I choose to remain positive, regardless of the circumstances I may face. I believe that all good things belong to me and that even situations that are not ideal, will work out for my benefit in the end.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How does my presence affect the atmosphere of the room?
2. Am I determined to focus on the positive attributes of others?
3. What does my attitude say about me?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Affirmation: I am confident in my ability to follow through.

I know I can follow through on my promises because I only make promises that I can keep. Before I make a promise, I check my schedule to ensure it is something I can work in. If it isn't, I do not commit to it in the first place.

I find it is better in the long run to learn to say "no," rather than to over-extend myself with too many commitments. This way, when I do make a promise, others know that they can count on me to follow through with it as well.

In order to fulfill my commitments, I keep my planner up to date and work on my time management and organization skills daily. Flexibility is also important, so I strive to include some wiggle room in my schedule to accommodate unplanned events.

Some promises are free from time commitments and only require honesty and strength of character to fulfill. Since truth is one of my most important values, my promises are always made and fulfilled with honesty.

I consider it just as important to follow through on promises that I make to myself. After all, if I can't keep a promise to myself, how can I keep my promises to others? Even if I am the only one who knows about my vow, I still make it a habit to follow through.

Today, I intend to update my planner with my promises so I can ensure that I will successfully follow through.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Is it important to me to follow through on my promises?
2. Do I fulfill my promises to myself as well as those made to others?
3. How can I make sure that I don't over-commit myself to too many obligations?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Affirmation: Generosity radiates from my soul.

I am a generous person at heart. I consider generosity one of my key personality traits and I like it that way. I enjoy the feeling I get when I share with others; it makes me feel abundantly blessed and deeply fulfilled.

I share everything I can - my knowledge, wisdom, skills, time, love, money, and more. If a friend needs a place to stay, I even share my home.

I am generous because I live by the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." When I need something, I appreciate it when others share their blessings with me, even if it's just sharing their wisdom and experience. Likewise, I am happy to help others in their time of need.

My partner and I share and share alike. What one of us has, the other one also receives the benefit of it. Generosity strengthens our relationship.

I even share my generosity! I share what I have with my children and they willingly share with me also. It's fulfilling to see my children get the same joy from generosity that I experience.

When I share my money with a stranger on the street, I am uplifted in knowing how much I brightened their day.

I know that my generosity is a shining light of goodness in a world that can use all the goodness it can get!

Today, I strive to show generosity to everyone I meet in this day's journey.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Do I consider myself a generous person?
2. Why do I hold back in sharing my abundance with others?
3. How can I do more to help others?

Monday, January 4, 2010

Affirmation: Beauty surrounds me, just waiting to be enjoyed.

Life is beautiful and I can experience its beauty all day long when I allow myself to see it. That's the trick - letting myself see the magnificence of life, instead of clouding my vision with worries and distractions.

When I find myself putting my daily activities on autopilot, I make it a point to push my distractions away and enjoy the beauty of the now.

I find that each moment carries its own particular beauty that is only present for a few fleeting minutes, then it disappears forever, only to be replaced by the beauty of the next moment. If I let my worries distract me, I live in my thoughts, instead of my reality. If I pay attention to the preciousness of the moment, I bring that positivity into my own life and it's there with me forever.

My life's journey is a parade of joyful moments. I am grateful for these joys and I look forward with anticipation to the ones yet to come.

I can strengthen my ability to discover this beauty with a positive and optimistic mindset. Negative feelings tend to make it harder to see the splendor that surrounds me, while optimism makes it easy.

Today, I intend to maintain a positive attitude and discover the beauty of each moment.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Am I able to see the beauty that surrounds me?
2. What beauty did I experience today?
3. What did I miss while I was preoccupied with worries and distractions?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Affirmation: When I believe, I achieve.

I know I can do nearly anything I set my mind to as long as I believe in myself. I have a level of confidence that transcends any fears my mind conjures up, and an action mindset that encourages me to seek solutions to challenges.

My belief in myself reminds me of "The Little Engine That Could." In that story the little engine defied all odds and saved the day when the bigger, stronger engines gave up the challenge. When the going got tough, the little engine just told himself, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can..." He could because he believed in himself.

I'm like that little engine! When I encounter a challenge, my mantra is "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can..." And because I believe I can, I succeed!

When I set a goal, I also set myself up for success with that goal. I make a plan detailing all the tasks I need to complete in order to achieve it. Those tasks become my easily achievable mini-goals. Once I have my plan in hand, all I need to do is tackle my mini-goals - one at a time - until success is mine!

It's a fail-proof plan and I know that with certainty. Believing in myself is easy with my mini-goal strategy.

I also know that challenges are only bumps in the road. They can delay me slightly, but they cannot stop me. I believe that a viable solution is always possible - it's just waiting to be discovered!

Today, I look forward to a day filled with success, knowing that my mantra can get me through anything.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Do I believe in myself?
2. How has my confidence brought me success in the past?
3. Can I use my belief to catapult me forward through a current challenge?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Affirmation: Seizing the day is my specialty.

I am glad that today is the first day of the rest of my life! The past is in the past and the future has yet to come. What I have is today and I choose to make the absolute best of all the opportunities it brings.

With my morning shower, I seize the opportunity of the new day to wash away any regrets of days gone by and the worries about the future. If I made a mistake yesterday, today I can make the situation better.

Every day gives me another chance to work on making myself the very best I can be. I take action toward achieving my goals and, at the end of the day, I know I am one step closer to success.

I rejoice in the freshness of each day for the chance to strengthen my relationships with my loved ones. I look forward to cherishing their ideas and showing my love anew.

Each new day brings inspiration. I let the beauty of each moment fill me with its own unique splendor. I stop and smell the roses because I want to enjoy each sensation.

Yes, "carpe diem" - or seize the day - is my mantra. Opportunities for either business or fun can't slip by me unnoticed! I keep an open mind and, when I see something that I know will help me improve, I take quick and decisive action to take advantage of the opportunity.

Today, I intend to be the personification of my mantra and make the most of every opportunity that comes my way.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Do I keep an open mind about new ideas?
2. When was the last time I took quick action to take advantage of a good opportunity?
3. In what ways can I improve my life by seizing the day?

Friday, January 1, 2010

Affirmation: My spouse and I are unstoppable together.

We are unstoppable because we complement each other. When one of us is weak, the strength of the other carries us through. We are a force to be reckoned with when we unite for a goal. We brainstorm together, execute together, and no matter what the outcome, we celebrate together.

Even above our children, we are each other's top priority because the best gift we can give our children is a healthy set of loving parents. When we put each other first, all other things fall into place like the pieces of a puzzle.

My spouse and I set realistic goals based on our abilities. Our relationship is free from the pressure of comparison. We believe in the amazing potential stored within each other.

Laughter is a vital part of our relationship; it carries us through difficult times. Keeping the big picture in mind helps us to laugh, instead of sweating the small stuff.

The comfort of my spouse's hug is all I need to get myself back on my feet after a difficult situation. Our love is an invigorating force against fear and worry; it gives me new strength when I feel alone.

My spouse and I seek every opportunity to encourage each other through words and actions. Our marriage is free from the destructive effects of negative criticism. We forgive each other quickly and communicate openly about all issues.

Today, I reflect on the countless traits I love about my mate and I choose to say, "I love you" in a special way to give thanks for their unconditional love.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What are my partner's strengths?
2. What act of service can I do for my mate today?
3. How can I inject more laughter into my marriage?