In the face of change, I take time to let the situation sink in before I react. I go along with change declaring that it is for the better.
Change is the spice of life. When the routine gets bland and predictable, change shakes things up and reawakens my zest for life. I have a good attitude about change because it is what makes life interesting.
I am stronger than I know. When fear comes against me, I remind myself that the journey of life is more fun when I allow myself to take risks.
In the face of unexpected and sudden change, I can think on my feet. My wit and spontaneity allow me to be successful regardless of the situation.
I give situations a chance before forming an opinion. Even if change does not seem right at first, I stay the course until I understand the reasoning behind it. After all, everything happens for a reason.
To help others and myself embrace change, I strive to find the positive. I focus on the good and on the lessons that I can learn from the situation. My mind is set to absorb knowledge in every way.
I am confident and steadfast even in wavering times. In turn, I am in complete control of my emotions.
Today, I embrace change because it takes me into a new dimension. I also appreciate change because I am made stronger and wiser with each experience I face.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How do I react to change?
2. What can I learn from change?
3. How can I be more spontaneous?