My needs are important and deserve to be met without remorse. Feeling content and well taken care of is a huge contributing factor to my overall happiness. When I take care of myself, I am better able to serve others.
Like all people, I matter and deserve to be happy. Instead of waiting around for someone to give me what I need, I am proactive in getting it. I speak out because keeping my needs to myself only results in the deprivation of a better experience.
I seek counseling when I have an issue that I cannot resolve alone. Without shame, I express how I feel to people I look up to and ask for their input. Humility allows me to accept the advice of others.
The truth is, people are eager to please me if I voice my wishes. Those who love and respect me would do anything to make me happy; therefore, I tell them how I feel.
When I find myself in an awkward position or feel uncomfortable, I speak up for myself. I have the freedom to walk away from situations that cause me anxiety or stress. I remove myself from abusive relationships and never look back.
Sincerity is the key to fulfillment. I am sincere with myself and with those around me. Works of intimidation are useless against me because I am protected by truth. A life built on the rock of truth will outlast any trial.
Today, I refuse to be a victim and I refuse to be neglected. Armed with the supernatural strength of honesty, I fight off timidity and speak up for myself.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. Do I keep quiet for fear of confrontation?
2. How can I become more comfortable speaking up for myself?
3. How can I be more honest?