I love being married to the person I have chosen to spend the rest of my life with. The storms of life may rock our home, but the strong foundation of our marriage keeps our family standing tall.
The benefits of having a strong marriage far outweigh the hard work and effort it takes to maintain. I am selflessly committed to making my marriage work because my partner and family are worth it.
I love my spouse even when we disagree. The strength of our relationship is not dependent on anything my partner does, but on a commitment that I made to love them until the end. The love I feel grows every day, regardless of how my spouse changes with age.
My heart enjoys peace because I believe the word of my spouse and I am truthful when I speak to my partner. We are committed to maintaining our marriage free from secrets and lies. When making important decisions, I seek the input of my spouse in order to get another point of view.
My respect for my spouse is unwavering regardless of the circumstances. I am quick to listen and slow to anger. Even when I am upset at my spouse, I show my respect because my spouse is an intelligent human being worthy of admiration.
Today I choose to honor my spouse with respectful words, loving actions, and trustworthy character. I build our relationship by being a person of integrity because I am devoted to making my marriage last.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What is my spouse's best quality?
2. How can I be more open and honest with my spouse?
3. What can I do today to help my partner feel appreciated?