Saturday, April 19, 2008

Do you need a blog or website?

Presumably you read my blog because you want to make money online. My primary business and passion, however, is personal development. I believe that in order to be successful you have to think, feel and behave in particular ways. Anyone who is truly successful thinks, feels and behaves in ways that are well documented. My business is to provide those resources so that others can learn to be successful (according to their own definition of course). And I do that from my website.

So, the reason I blog is because I want to pass on what I have learned about internet marketing. I am essentially documenting my online journey and my goal is to turn all these posts into a coherent course or ebook about internet marketing that will ultimately sell on my webiste for mega bucks:-)

Marketing an internet business is something that needs to be done whatever niche you're in so the majority of the posts are relevant to everyone. I figure, as I build my personal development website I may as well teach other people how to do it and ultimately make money from that.

Of course, if you have the money, you can hire search engine optimisers, writers for your content etc etc. At this stage I'm only a lone work at home mum learning while I am doing.

If you too are new to internet marketing you may think that a blog is a cheap alternative to a website. For example, this blog costs me $0. However, I need a website and you may need one too.

A blog and a website are two totally different beasts. So do you need a blog or website or maybe both?


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