Saturday, April 5, 2008

Anyone can build an online business.

It's making money that's the issue ;-)

Hello and welcome to my blog.

If you are passionate about ANYTHING you can build an internet business. So if you have not even thought about building your own business, have just started, or have been around for a while but just don't seem to be getting anywhere then this is the place for you.

My aim is to provide business ideas and inspiration to anyone who reads or participates in this blog.

My primary website is about personal development. In my opinion and experience your level of wealth will never exceed your level of personal development.

I've known many people who have tried to make money out of share trading and property investment with varying degrees of success. In all cases, their successes (or lack of) has never had anything to with their intellgence or their level of education.

Those that succeed do so purely because they believe and trust in themselves. They know that success is the end result of failing many times and persist despite their failures always learning from them and not mulling over them. They take risks, but don't gamble and know the difference between calculated risk and gambling.

Anyway, I hope you join me on this blog and share ideas and inspiration with other participants.

I look forward to sharing with you!

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