Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Effects of Stress - Beat Stress Before It's Too Late

Stress is everywhere in our world lately. We encounter it on a daily basis, and there seems to be no end to it. Despite knowing the negative effects of stress on the body, most people seem to pay no attention to its devastating consequences.

Stress should be managed before it threatens your health... or even your life!

So how do you deal with stress? Does it involve taking just a pill, or is it more than that?

Dealing with the effects of stress on the body would entail your sensitivity to your body's saturation points and need signals.

Tiredness is just one aspect of knowing whether the effects of stress on your body are already taking its toll. If you are the type who can run non-stop like an Energizer bunny in spite of tiredness, then the effects of stress on your body may well be excessive before you even notice them.

Click here to read the full article.

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