Thursday, June 5, 2008

Squidoo, HubPages and Qassia

In the never ending quest for traffic I have a couple of suggestions.

As far as I can tell in my limited experience so far - Squidoo, HubPages and Qassia are all fairly similar. Despite the fact they are similar it's probably a good idea to spread your efforts across all three platforms.

I have started a squidoo lens that you can look at here. I am attempting to get traffic to my site and/or sell Michael Lee's persuasion ebook. Either outcome is a winner as far as I'm concerned.

Squidoo lenses can come up on search engine results too, so my goal is that if people search on the term "success mindset" at google then my lens will appear in the top 10-20.

Currently if a squidoo user types "success mindset" into the search on squidoo I rank at number 2! Not bad at all. That should translate into traffic for me!

Anyway, this is all very very new to me so I'll let you know how I go. However, I am confident that with a bit of tweaking here and there I can have it all working beautifully.

Just wanted to share in case you could use this tactic too. And did I mention they're free? Well, they are free!

Good luck


George said...

hi Sharon, thanks for your post. I hope you are having fun making money online. All the best!

Sharon Reid said...

Thanks George. I am having fun.