Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Earn money taking photos

Did you know that you can earn money taking photos without being a professional photographer? Plenty of sites are willing to pay money for photos taken by amateurs.

Anyway, I've found this fabulous ebook that sells for up to $49, but I'll sell it to you for only $17. It's called the "Photos for Profit Guidebook" and it will teach you how to make money from photos - some that may be already stored on your hard disk.

I'm not saying that you could make a full time career out of it, but if you take fabulous photos, can point and click a mouse button to upload the photos to websites why not have a go and earn a few extra dollars in your pocket?

Read the sales page for Photos for Profit Guidebook here and see if this a money making opportunity you could use.

Have you joined The Sandpit yet? Come and play in the personal development sandpit and enjoy some product discounts, a free ezine and some great money making ideas available only to members.

I'd love to hear some feedback.


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