Thursday, July 30, 2009

#iamblessed Trending Topic on Twitter

IAmBlessed is currently a trending topic on twitter. I'm not sure why , but to tell you the truth, I don't really care. What I do care about is the fact that a lot of people realize the power of gratitude!

If you read the IAmBlessed posts on twitter you'll find that many mention relatively minor, seemingly unimportant things. This may tempt you to underestimate how powerful finding things to be grateful for actually is.

Take a single mum struggling to find money to pay the rent. And yet she always manages to pay the rent on time..... What mindset can she adopt to put her in a position of greater power?

Is loosing sleep because she is constantly worrying about where her rent money will come from going to help? Or is it better that she be confident in her ability to generate money when needed and just "know" that whatever happens she'll cope.

She can either fill her thoughts with fear, worry and anxiety about not having a place to live next month or she can be grateful (in advance) to have money to pay the rent. Gratitude will free her mind of fear, worry and anxiety.

As those of us who believe in the Law of Attraction know, the universe abhors a vaccuum. If her mind is not filled with fear, worry and anxiety the universe will conspire to fill it with something else.

What would that something else be?

Let's keep #iamblessed trending!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Feel Energetic in Any Situation

Staying upbeat and positive, despite problems, is difficult to do. What tends to happen in difficult situations is that our focus shifts to the negative eventually making us angry. Anger dissipates our energy depleting our mental and physical resources and we are left sulking and moping about. Not a very productive state for problem solving to say the least.

The good news is that each and every one of us has a place of tranquility and peace deep inside us. And this place can be accessed even when we are faced with the most difficult of circumstances. When we are in this place we feel energetic. This is where we need to be when problem solving, it’s a powerful position.

When we feel energetic any difficulties can be quickly dealt with. Then we dust ourselves down, get back up and move on ready to face more of whatever life wants to throw at us. In the meantime we are growing and developing as a person.

That’s all very well, but how do you get to this state?

One way is to exercise. Regular exercise is a way to safely release frustrations and anger. Exercise increases serotonin and endorphin levels giving you a natural high!

Another strategy is to meditate. Meditating for at least 20 minutes a day has enormous benefits for your mental health.

Also, maintaining good relationships with your family and friends ensures you are loved and supported through difficult situations. Often times being able to talk about difficult issue will dissipate the negative energy that will pull you down.

Ensuring you get enough rest is crucial. Being sleep deprived not only makes you feel physically awful but makes any situation seem worse than it actually is.

Coping with problems is a learned skill that you will quickly master when you follow these simple tips. Regular exercise, meditation, good relationships and plenty of rest give your mind the fuel it needs to feel energetic to operate efficiently, effectively and, most importantly, happily.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Free AdWords Cheat Sheets & Videos

Pay per click is undoubtedly THE advertising breakthrough of the 21st century. For the first time in history, you only show your ad to people already interested in what you've got to offer, ... and you only pay when they visit your "store"

Click here for 17 FREE AdWords Cheat Sheets, Videos, and MP3s

But because the search engines charge advertisers less money for truly relevant ads which get plenty of clicks (and add a penalty to all the others), ... it's also the first time in history that managing a single ad campaign has become a full time job!
You see, increasing competition, costs, and quality requirements imposed by the search engines make it VERY difficult for most people to get maximum profit from PPC.

Glenn Livingston is one of the most highly respected AdWords marketers in the United States. More importantly, he runs a large AdWords management agency and has seen literally hundreds of PPC accounts, so he really knows what works from a "dollars
in vs. dollars out" vantage point. (Compare that to a lot ofthe self proclaimed gurus out there "talking theory")

Glenn also actually has very strong business background consulting for dozens of companies like AT&T, Lipton, Novartis, Whirlpool, and many, many more. And, also unlike many of the gurus you may have followed, Glenn's successfully built 17 of his own AdWords projects in markets having NOTHING TO DO with internet

And he's endorsed by the authors of BOTH major AdWords books.

But the best thing is, Glenn's marketing philosophy is to deliver real value BEFORE he asks for the sale. Which means he's put a tremendous amount of blood, sweat, and tears into creating these Adwords Cheat Sheets, Videos, and MP3s.

So you really WILL get critically important AdWords insights about:

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I can't recommend this highly enough ... it's one of the truly FREE resources on the internet that really does deliver value.

Click here for 17 FREE AdWords Cheat Sheets, Videos, and MP3s

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Making Friends and Keeping Them

Making friends doesn’t mean we have to do put all our efforts into doing absolutely anything to win their friendship. Truth is there are just some people we will never get along with and trying to make friends with them is just a waste of time. People we befriend tend to have similar views on life or share similar interests or hobbies to us.

To make friends it also helps if we are they type of person people like to be friends with. Positive, energetic people will always have more friends than negative, lazy people. Let’s face it what type of person would you prefer to spend your time with?

Most of us tend to avoid pessimists (or should) because they will forever try to smash your dreams and come up with reasons why you will fail. Do not be one of them.

A lot of pessimists tend to operate under the guise of being realists! Are you doing that? Do you tend to point out all the reasons why someone is more likely to fail instead of encouraging them to succeed?

Exude a positive aura and you will never lack for friends. Communicate your inner glow and be willing to share your “secret” with others. When you help make others feel good about themselves you have just made the world a better place!

If you are forcing yourself to be positive and feel you are being insincere it simply means you have to work more on yourself. Start using affirmations, read inspirational books – whatever it takes to make your realize you can have it all!

Developing great friendships is simply a matter of outlook. Each and every one of us is unique and special . You have talents and traits your friends don’t have and they have talents and traits you don’t have. This makes life colorful and interesting.

It is through being positive that we can truly know what our strengths are and further enhance them so that we can help others in ways that they can’t do for themselves. If everyone was living their best life the ties between all human beings would become much stronger!

Evian Roller Babies - Cute and Funny!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Living A Life You Love

A lot of people lead a life that’s a daily grind, fixing mistakes made by others and still answerable to someone else for their actions. Who wants that? No one! But the fact that many live this kind of life means that something is terribly wrong.
It’s about time to start living a life you love. Start aligning your actions according to your values. There is no reason to not lead your best life each and every moment.

Remember that you are the master of your own destiny. No one is forcing you to be where you are right now. If you simply live your life to seek approval from others you will be living with regret some time in future. And I’m sure you don’t want that!

Just realize that every life, including yours, is valuable. Even when things do become mundane you make contributions to the life of others that no one else can make. Know what is important in your life right now or you will soon forget living your best life. You’ll become distracted by other activities such as work, paying bills, economic crisis and any other number pressing problems that make us lose sight of our goals and dreams.

How about a system where you make a list of things you want to do. Boring, I know – but it is valuable to have an actual representation of all your life’s goals. Teachers of success principles teach about the value of such a practice. Top priority on this list must be you! Have time to maintain your health and to nuture your relationships. Afterall, life won’t be very happy if your health and relationships are crumbling.

Remember that life is a journey so whether you are 20 or 80 years old it’s not too late to get into the game. Get into the thick of things and start living and achieving. Always remember that every mistake along the way simply means that you’re one step closer to success!

The only obligation is this life is to be the best you can be. Live your life according to what you want and what makes you happy – not someone elses definition of success and happiness. Start ticking off those goals on your list and start living your best life.

If you’re concerned that this sounds selfish and self absorbed please know that the world will be a much better place when you are fulfilled. We don’t need any more unfulfilled, miserable people in this world.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Making Healthy Relationships Possible

Life is one great big workout. We strive to keep a balance on the things that are in it and often find ourselves burned out. We often have to juggle our time between our personal needs and the demands of our career that we sometimes find ourselves breathless, as if we had to focus all our energies into fulfilling all our duties. The 24 hours that are allotted to us each day is just not enough. We encounter problems and try to take every single setback with a grain of salt. The truth, however, is that life is what we make of it.

Part of life's experience is that we encounter relationships that sour over time. Let this be a learning experience. In the end, there are just some things we cannot control, things that are out of our hands. For relationships to remain healthy, we need to look at ourselves first.

We must evaluate our actions and see what caused the problem in the first place. We can start by evaluating ourselves before implementing the changes from within. We cannot control the actions of other people. So instead of dwelling on what we cannot be in command of, we have to work on what we can change. It's imperative for all of us to know the things that will enable us to become a friend, a colleague, and a partner that we want to become.

The first thing to assess is our worth and the value we have as a person. Are we the kind of friend to go the extra mile? Are we good confidants? Do we take our friends' needs into consideration? These are only a few of the many questions we can ask ourselves. When the answer always leads to the negative, then maybe it's high time that we think of our nature.

The next thing to do is measure our level of commitment. Oftentimes, we don't equate the longevity of our relationships with the kind of person we are. Of course, every situation is unique. We meet people along the way, and not many of them make ideal friends. The thing is, we have to know the cause for the breakdown of every bond we've created.

Then, we also weigh these against the relationships that have actually worked. We must commit ourselves to every association we find beneficial. What gets us through life's rough patches are the people that we've helped. After all, no man is an island. We need support during the most difficult of times, and the only way to make this possible is to become a true friend to the people we have in our lives.

When all is said and done, we should know and realize that we are good people. We deserve these friendships because we don't expect anything from them in return. People are naturally inclined to show kindness to those who are genuine with their deeds. As long as we stay true to ourselves, we can also say that we are comfortable with whom we are. It's when we are happy that we create ideal relationships.

Delisted from Google? This Could Be Why.

Recently a partner of mine had 3 of his content websites delisted from Google search results and he asked for my advice. As a result, I did an extensive study into the possible scenarios where Google will delist a website from its search.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Kenneth Koh from Leadsleap.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Being Productive Despite Your Workload

We all have goals that we want to achieve, dreams that we want to attain. Our goals differ from each other, but reaching these may not be as easy as it looks. Yes, you have the perfect work attitude, and yes, also know how to prioritize. There are, however, some things in life that you just cannot control.

A sudden blackout may hinder you from completing your work, or an important family gathering may require you to let go of all your chores. What do you do when this time comes? Do you blame the things you cannot control for your failures? While this may be the easy way out, it is far from being right.

Life is made up of two types of people: the positive and the negative. The positive tend to win all the time because they also take responsibility for their failures by embracing them. The negative, on the other hand, simply walk away and point their finger at everyone but themselves.

How do you win in life? How do you become a productive person while being able to keep a very busy work schedule? The first thing you must know and accept is that you simply cannot win every time. It's what you do when you fail that counts. Here are some helpful tips to know and follow so that you can go through trials and misfortunes as smoothly as possible:

1. Don't blame other people for your failure - to blame them is to pass on your responsibilities. This is tantamount to throwing your arms up in the air and saying, “I give up!”

2. When problems arise, deal with them accordingly - plan what you need to do. Ask for help if you need to and let failures serve as lessons learned.

3. Never forget - remember what caused you to create the mistake in the first place. Keep these in mind and avoid situations wherein you'll be forced to make the same mistake twice.

4. Never let anything stop you - as you strive for success, there will always be hurdles to face. These hurdles simply slow you down, but that's all they will do.

5. Plan your life - make a careful schedule for each task to be done. No matter how many tasks there are, each undertaking achieved allows you to cross something off your list of things that have yet to be done.

6. Know that you are in control of your life - have a firmer grip on your responsibilities. Familiarize yourself with each objective and do research if you must. The more you know about something, the easier it will be for you navigate your way through it.

7. Think positive - this may be the most important thing you can ever do. Believe in yourself and in your abilities. You simply have to meet achievers to know that these people are the ones who believe in themselves the most. Success is not so much about talent, but more on the idea that with effort and an optimistic attitude, you can do most anything.

Productive people are those who know what they're doing. You can be one of them if you simply work on honing your talents and abilities. It's a matter of fine-tuning and letting yourself be more in touch with the aspects in your life.

Remember, nobody is excused from making mistakes. The fact is, every living person has made many of them. You simply have to figure out what you need to do to attain every single dream that you have.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009