Thursday, May 13, 2010

Affirmation: When I organize my space, my life has order.

My life has order because everything in it has a place. Being organized helps me achieve balance in my personal life.

I eliminate wasting time searching for things because I know I can find them exactly where they belong. I keep things in their place to reduce clutter and save money by not having to purchase what I already own.

My productivity level increases when I am able to focus on my work and my priorities in an environment free from chaos. I am able to get more work done in less time, allowing me to free my time to spend on more important things like family.

Clutter is absent from my life; instead, I am surrounded by peace and serenity. I am able to set personal goals and achieve them because I am in control of my environment.

Organization helps me succeed. I seldom have to stop my work to look for an item or wonder where my tools are. My concentration improves as I devote more uninterrupted time to my thoughts.

My life is free from stress when I know where things belong. Peace fills my soul when I look across my clean house, organized desk, and neat car.

I am organized because I value the things I own. The extra time that it takes every day to put things back in their place is worth my peace of mind.

Today, I reclaim order in my life. I choose to honor myself by giving the gift of an organized space.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What areas of my life could use more organization?
2. How do I feel when my space is organized?
3. What steps can I take today to improve my organization?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Affirmation: The person I see when I look in the mirror is who I want to be.

I love the person I see when I look in the mirror. When I stand before myself, I see a beautiful, talented, hard-working individual willing to do whatever it takes to fulfill my dreams.

Not only do I love my personality, but I also love my physical appearance. In my inner dialogue, I build myself up with encouragement. Criticism is absent from my mind.

Whenever I am displeased with what I see, I make adjustments to my lifestyle to achieve the desired results. I make every necessary effort to be the person I want to look at. I work out on a regular basis to keep my body in the shape it deserves.

I am the only one who determines what I want to look like. As long as I love what I see in the mirror, the opinions of others are irrelevant.

When I stand before my own reflection in the mirror, I am filled with pride at who I am. The sacrifices I make daily to improve my image are paying off.

Loving who I see in the mirror requires forgiving myself of past wrongs and being patient with myself as I progress toward my goals.

At mealtimes, I keep in mind that everything I eat has an effect on my body. Having this mentality helps me exercise good judgment during meals.

Today, I choose to embrace myself just the way I am. I choose to accept my imperfections and work on the things that I desire to change.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What is my favorite physical attribute?
2. What is one thing I would like to change?
3. How can I make my inner dialogue more encouraging?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Affirmation: My life is full of joy, health, and happiness.

My life is filled with everything good. Inside my heart there is an overabundance of positive emotions. When I think about my life, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for all my blessings. True joy is the result of a grateful heart.

There are innumerable sources of joy in my life. My family and friends are the most precious gifts I have ever received. The unconditional love that I experience with them, especially in times of need, fill my heart with joy.

My joy is contagious and constant. I choose to rejoice in every circumstance. I am filled with joy because I focus on the good things and give thanks for my life.

The quality of my life matters; therefore I strive to live the best life I can. My goal is not merely to survive, but to live out the plan that has been set before me.

I practice healthy habits in order to enjoy good health. Good health improves my stamina and my ability to enjoy life. When I feel good physically, I feel good emotionally.

Everywhere I look, I see a new source of happiness. I pay attention to the little details that make life great.

Each day, I aim to share a deep laugh with someone. I allow myself to release my inhibitions, throw my head back, and laugh like a child. I surround myself with happy people in order to keep the feeling alive.

Today, I choose to look at life through appreciative eyes that focus on the small things that bring me joy, health, and happiness.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What are my sources of joy?
2. How do I take care of my body?
3. What am I grateful for today?

Monday, May 10, 2010

Affirmation: My life has a healthy pace.

I live my life at a healthy pace in order to balance between productivity and pleasure. Carrying on at a healthy pace allows me to enjoy the view instead of zooming by.

My steps are ordered and deliberate. I walk through life swiftly enough to accomplish what I set out to do, while leaving myself ample time for relaxation in the end.

Planning ahead and setting clear goals helps me to keep a steady beat without having to stop or lose my rhythm. When I know my vision, I am able to get right to work from the start of the day.

I have scheduled time for myself to catch my breath in between engagements. When I am faced with change or with a spontaneous situation, I am able to handle it calmly because my schedule allows me time for emergencies.

By keeping a steady pace I can schedule all my responsibilities in such a way that enables me to be on time.

Throughout the day, I take mental breaks to regroup. Giving myself the gift of time, I can slow down enough to stop and appreciate the little things that make life great.

I make time for priorities in my schedule because the only way I can be of any service to others is by taking care of myself. Rather than a to-do list, I have a wish list of things I strive to do for myself.

Today, I choose to live at a healthy pace so I can enjoy an appropriate balance of productivity and pleasure.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How can I better prepare in advance for my day?
2. What activities should I eliminate from my plans to make room for relaxation?
3. How can I be more productive?

Affirmations, Quotes and Self Help Articles: Affirmation: My determination sets me up for success.

Affirmations, Quotes and Self Help Articles: Affirmation: My determination sets me up for success.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Affirmation: My family can count on me for encouragement.

I speak words of encouragement to my loved ones every chance I get. In a world filled with so much negativity and criticism, it is my responsibility to build up those around me.

Positive words overflow in my speech. I think great thoughts toward my loved ones and I believe that there is greatness within them. I motivate my family members to reach new heights and to try new things.

Finding something positive to say is easy for me. I look at people with eyes full of grace, which is the way I would like for others to look at me.

I speak sincere words of affirmation to my family because I love them and want to see them achieve their best. My words are like a trampoline on which their dreams bounce off and reach new heights.

Pointing out the negative is worthless; instead, I look for and focus on anything well done. When I speak words of encouragement to my loved ones, they are filled with a desire to perform even better. The more positivity I speak, the more they improve!

My loved ones respect what I have to say because I am sincere. I enjoy motivating people to achieve success in every area of their lives.

I am like a cheerleader to my family. They can count on me to attend important events and to be part of special moments in their lives.

Whenever my loved ones experience difficulty in their lives, they feel safe coming to me for advice. I am always ready to offer my loving encouragement.

Today, I choose to speak positively to my family and refrain from criticism by focusing on good things.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How can I be more encouraging?
2. Which of my family members needs an encouraging word today?
3. Do I build up my family members with my speech and actions?

Affirmation: My determination sets me up for success.

Daily, I picture myself enjoying great victories. Whatever my heart dreams and my mind envisions, becomes a reality through my determination. In my mind, I am confident that I will succeed because I have an unshakeable faith in my abilities.

When a door closes, I keep pounding until it opens because I am determined to find a way to achieve what I have set out to accomplish. If all doors are closed, I look for a window or I make my own path because I am unstoppable.

Giving up is not an option. I am unaffected by temporary failures. I reject fear, doubt, and unbelief. I shut out all the voices that speak these things to me and remind myself that life is only as difficult as I choose to see it. When I am tired, I drink from the cup of perseverance to quench my thirst.

Success is within my reach because I have the necessary skills to achieve it. I am willing to face all the odds against me and I am determined to defeat them. The strength to overcome obstacles is within me.

By seeking relationships with people who encourage me and push me forward, I position myself on the path to triumph. Excuses are absent from my vocabulary because they simply cloud my vision.

Today, I choose to focus my vision to see only victory. I turn off all distractions in order to concentrate on the things that are important to me.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What distractions do I need to turn off?
2. How can I eliminate excuses from my vocabulary?
3. How can I persevere in the face of a closed door?